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I step through my front door at the end of school, I drop my bag beside the door and kick my shoes off. Immediately I bolt upstairs and into my mess of a bedroom. My door shuts.
Speedily I pull my uniform off and drop it in messy piles on the floor before swinging open my wardrobe doors. My hand grabs a black jumper with some unconventional zips on. Then I grab my black skinny jeans. I tug them on then pull the jumper over my head, putting my arms in the allocated holes.

I grab my phone from out my school trousers, which lay crumpled up on the floor, and tap on Kik. Emma has sent a message to our (her, me, Pj) group chat.

Emma 🐺
Hey, what time are you guys going to the party?
Probably at like 6.
I don't want to be too early but not too late.
I should start getting ready now then! xD
D A N🎌
ive just got changed, i feel too prepared
Eager much!!

"Hey spud!" My dad smiles as he opens the door, seeing me sat on my bed scrolling on my phone. "Why are you changed so fast? Why haven't you decided to just put pyjamas on?" He chuckles, taking a few steps into my room.
I shrug.
"Are you going out somewhere?" He says with a smirk
I shrug.
"Is it a party? Are you going to a party?" He mock punches me in the arm while sitting beside me.

"..maybe.." I mumble "Can I..?" My eyes move up to meet his, seeing his face illuminated with a huge smile. "Of course! Am I dropping you off or are you going alone?" He says, making me smile.
"I will walk." I smile before standing up, my dad standing up moments after me. He nods and leaves the room, I let out a long exhale before grinning.

"Im going to a party! Im going to a party! Im going to a party!" I repeatedly sing to myself, dancing around in a circle with a stupid grin on my face. Quickly I turn to my Fall Out Boy poster, "Did you hear that guys? Im going to a party! A party! I know!" I chuckle as I talk to the four guys on the poster. My phone buzzes on the bed and I leap to grab it.

"Hey!" Pj says back through the phone.
"What's up?"
"Nothing but like I hope you are ready because im walking down to yours now."
I snort, "I feel like you are my prom date coming to pick me up!"
"Shut up, Howell! Do you want to go to this party alone?" He says in his mock serious voice.
"Fine...well im ready when you want to actually arrive!" I laugh a little before he hangs up.


'Bzzz Bzzz'
Pj presses the doorbell to Felix's house as we stand outside in anticipation. As it is winter, it is already almost pitch black around us eventhough it is only 6:20pm. Nervously I rub my hands together, my throat hurting when I swallow. Pj looks at me and mutters under his breath, "Calm down..", just before the door swings open and the loud sound of music fills the air around us.

"Dan! Pj! Come in! Come in!" Felix grins, practically dragging Peej in by his arm and me just following. The large living room and joint kitchen are packed full of people. My ears already begin to ache from the volume of the music and from the mass of voices talking at once.
"What can i get you guys to drink?" Felix shouts over the music, leading us through the mass of people to the kitchen which isn't much quieter. "Can I just have some lemonade please?" I say with a smile. Felix stops and looks at me for a few moments before smiling again, "Sure, sure! There is a bottle in the cupboard beside the oven!" He shouts before turning to Peej to fetch him a drink.

I make my way through to the indicated cupboard but there doesn't seem to be any lemonade in there. "Hm.." I hum whilst standing up and gazing round. "If you are looking for the lemonade, it has already all gone. Marcus dared Alfie to down the whole bottle about five minutes ago." A soft voice says from beside me making me jump. I move my eyes up to see the most dazzling blue eyes staring back at me. "Did he manage it?" I say gently, well as gently as I could over all the noise. The boy shook his head and chuckles, his pale fingers push his black fringe out his eyes. "I think most of it ended on the floor, the rest ended up being poured onto Luke when someone shoved Alfie." He shrugs and looks back at me, his whole face glowing with happiness.

I laugh and shake my head, "Is this what normally happens at these parties then?" I ask he with a huge grin. He shrugs again and laughs with me, "I really couldn't tell you! This is only the third one ive been invited to but only one ive bothered turning up to! Im not a party kind of guy!" He laughs again before taking a sip of his drink.
He then holds the cup out towards me, "It's lemonade, I thought we could share seeing as you didn't get to have any!" He smiles so sweetly that I feel obliged to take it from him and take a sip. "Im Dan, by the way." I smile after passing the cup back. "Phil." He replies, returning the smile as he leans on the countertop.

Phil. As in Dodie's friend? Is this the infamous Phil Lester that her and Evan are always telling funny stories about?

"Phil Lester?" I ask and he nods, "The one and only! Well probably not the only but aha oh well!" He laughs, sticking his tongue out the side of his mouth a little. "Do you dance?" Phil asks, his blue eyes staring forward into the crowd of people which includes the odd group randomly dancing to the music.
I shake my head, "No! I don't really -"
"Dance with me." Phil interrupts me, placing down the cup and dragging me into the crowd of loud people.
Phil begins to just randomly jump in time with the music, throwing his arms round and bouncing his head. I awkwardly laugh, rubbing the back of my neck as I watch him. He laughs, "Oh come on Dan!" And the next thing I know is im just dancing about in a tight crowd with my new friend to some song ive never even heard of.

Suddenly someone stumbles into me and I lose my balance, taking a few clumsy steps back before falling over and bringing Marzia down to the floor with me. Quickly I scramble up and stare at everyone as some girls help Marzia up. It all gets too much and I can't hear anything clearly, everything felt like it was just closing in around me. Phil grabs my wrist and pulls me out into the corridor.

I exhale heavily and plonk myself down on the stairs. Phil pauses before sitting beside me, "Maybe we should just avoid the dancing then." He gives a soft chuckle to lighten the mood. It works and soon we are both crying with laughter.
Then there we sit for the remainder of the night just laughing and talking and joking.

"D-dan...!" Emma exclaims stumbling towards us with a stupid grin on her face. "Fancy seeing you here!" She giggles, dropping herself beside me on the step. "Who is the dude?" Emma attempts to whisper but just shouts in my ear. I open my mouth to answer but she interrupts me, "...can you take me home Dan...im tired.." She yawns and stretches her arms out before pulling me to my feet.
I sigh and pull her hands off me, "Go and fetch PJ, then we can go. Okay?" She nods and stumbles off into the living room. I turn to Phil and give him an apologetic smile. "Do you have any way of contact? I mean tonight has been good." I smile as he stands up. He nods and pulls out his phone, "Here, put your number in here." He grins at me and we swap phones to put our own numbers in before trading back.

"My first experience of a party wasn't all that bad!" I chuckle and Phil nods, "Mine wasn't too bad either!" He grins and pulls me into a hug. I freeze while he hugs me, ive never had a friend hug me before. Is that a thing?
Phil pulls away and smiles, "Well, we will keep in touch! Now I need to go and find my friends before parents start getting annoyed with us all!" He chuckles before heading out the room.

Even after he is gone I can't stop grinning like an idiot and my chest tingles like it did when he was nearby. But I don't what im thinking, he doesn't even have my eyes.

With Their Eyes Filled With Starsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن