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We make our way down the practically empty street on the way to school.
Phil's hand loosely sits in mine, our fingers slotting together like a jigsaw. PJ had text me this morning to tell me that he can't get to school today because he is sick. So, this wet grey morning I get to walk up to school with a literal ray of sunshine, who easily makes me forget about the miserable weather.

Just before we go through the school gates, Phil pulls me to the side. "Dan, I don't think I can do this yet. What if we get beaten up? Or teachers start marking us down?" He whispers in a panic, but with his hand still gripping onto mine. Reassuringly I squeeze his hand and give him a smile, "Your pace. Until you're ready." My voice is hushed and smooth. Phil nods a little in response, "If I could kiss you now; I would." He grins and I instantly feel my cheeks heat up.

We make our way through the school gate, hands no longer touching. Phil turns his head and gazes at me, "I think it should rain more often." He says and I frown, turning my head towards him.
"Why?" I say confused.
"Your hair has gone back curly and you look adorable." He giggles before nudging me with his elbow.
"Oh shut up Lester!" I chuckle, one of my hands instinctively reaching up to sort my hair but it is raining so heavily that not only is it dripping wet but the curls are chaotic.

I move my eyes back to look into Phil's as I hear him laughing at me, "You look fine! We need to get to Geography!" He grins and tugs slightly on my blazer to turn me in the direction of the class. A soft sigh slips out my lips as I allow myself to be dragged across the sludgy grass field which has begun to flood with the downpour.


"Lester, get back to your seat." Miss Adder complains, looking across the classroom to see Phil hanging around my desk.
Phil's bright eyes glance up at her before shoving me over so we share my seat, "This is my seat Miss." He says innocently.
"Phil. Don't argue, please go back to your seat." She sighs, rubbing her forehead gently.
Phil pouts adorably; stands up; walks across the classroom; grabs his chair; carries it over to my desk; places it down on the end; sits down. "Can this be my new seat Miss?" He smiles at her.
Miss shakes her head and laughs softly under her breath, "Fine, as long as you actually pay attention and not just babble away all lesson."

Once Miss has started talking again, I turn to Phil and smile, "Are you doing anything afterschool?" I whisper softly. Phil returns the smile showing his white teeth, "I have a physics revision class until four but I'm free after, why?"
"I wondered if you wanted to come over to mine." I say, discreetly placing my hand on his leg under the table. Phil giggles a little, "Only if you come to physics with me; make it more bearable!"
I nod slightly and grin, "Alright then! It's a deal!"
"It's a date." Phil mouths at me, making me flush.


The bell rings through the classroom making all pupils flood into the corridor. I get dragged out by the rush and don't get to say bye to Phil. Luckily, both of us are so much taller than 90% of students that we can see one-another over their heads. "See you at break!" I call to Phil who nods and calls back; "Meet me outside the technology block!"
And then we are forced in different directions down the main corridor.

I slump into Biology with the rest of my class and head straight to my seat at the end of the middle row. As I take my book out my bag and watch the rest of my science class saunter in, someone catches my eye. A new girl.

She must be around 5 foot, she has brown hair down past her shoulders, tanned skin, a nose and lip piercing, and...my eyes.

I drop my bag on the floor, quickly covering my eyes from her sight using my hand. She can't see. She can't see that we are soulmates. She will try to flirt with me, thinking we have to be together. I can't be with her, I can't, I have Phil.
The chair beside me and I nervously gaze up, just to see Troye Sivan sitting down in his usual seat. I release a sigh of relief before he smiles at me, "Morning" he says in his usual happy tone. "Morning." I reply whilst opening my book and keeping my head down.

I can't make light conversation when I know that my soulmate is sat in the same room as me. It's impossible.
"Sir, can I quickly go to the toilet before we start?" I put my hand up and ask. Mr Bioligi gives a nod, "We aren't going to wait to start though so you should hurry, Mr Howell."
As soon as he grants me permission I am out the classroom and walking down to the toilets with phone in my hand. I have to call Phil and tell him.

"Dan? What are you doing? Im supposed to be in class!" Phil answers the phone with a whispered shout.
"Phil...I've seen her...She just walked into Biology...It's her..." I say quietly whilst sat in a locked cubicle.
"What are you on about? You better hurry because Im pretending to use the toilet and I can't be here long!" Phil responds with a gentle sigh.

"My soulmate, Phil, she is here." I say.

"Oh..." Phil replies.

Then we stand in silence.

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