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"What are you going to do?" Phil whispers softly.

We are sat on my extension's roof outside my bedroom window. The setting sun is turning the sky orange and tinting the clouds pink, casting its last few golden rays over the rooftops.
Phil's hand is still sitting in mine and he absentmindedly plays with my fingers whilst his bright blue eyes stare across the stretch of gardens and houses.

"I don't know." I say, my eyes searching the side of his face sadly. "Do you think she will split us up...?"
Phil moves his eyes to look into mine and his hand briefly squeezes onto mine. He lets out a wispy sigh before quickly pecking my lips but moving away almost instantly so no one around would see. "She might try to but it won't work. Don't worry, Bear, you aren't losing me that easily." Phil says, soothingly stroking his fingers on the back of my hand.

I shuffle a little closer and lean my head on Phil's shoulder slightly. "I hope no one at school notices that I share her eyes because they might try to force us together. Then if I try to fight everyone will find out about us and then..." My voice trails away at the thought of what might happen.

"Let's just wait and see what happens tomorrow at school." Phil whispers, leaning his head on top of mine. "But whatever happens, I love you."


Second Period has just finished and nothing peculiar has happened yet, I haven't even seen her in the building today. Maybe I just hallucinated the entire thing and my soulmate isn't even my age.

Just as I pull my phone out my blazer pocket to tell Phil my new idea of the entire situation, Alfie Deyes appears infront of me with a huge grin. An inaudible sigh escapes my lips, my hand pushing my phone back in my pocket, "Hey Alfie." I say with a confused frown at never having had a conversation with him but now he looks so excited to see me.
"Dan! The whole school is talking about you and Meg! Congrats man!" Alfie chuckles and pulls me into the most awkward hug I've ever experienced. And I've awkwardly hugged an old man before when it turned out he was just stretching his arms and not inviting me to give him a weird hug in the middle of a shop. So, that should give you a sense of how awkward Alfie's hug currently is.

He pulls out the hug with the same smile taped to his face. "Alfie, I don't-" I'm interrupted by Jim Chapman and Marcus Butler appearing beside Alfie. They continue to congratulate me and talk about this 'Meg' but with a growing crowd surrounding me I begin to freak out.
"..Dan..." A quiet soft voice whispers from beside me and someone takes my hand. I look down and see Dodie giving me a reassuring smile. "Come on," she says "let's get somewhere quieter."

We sit down on the bench behind the sports hall, the rugby field stretching out infront of us. This is the seat the PE teachers like to sit on whilst we all run around in tiny shorts and pouring rain.

Dodie unzips her bag and pulls out a thermoflask and two small plastic mugs. She unscrews the lid and a flurry of steam fills the air. Carefully she fills one cup full of the warm liquid before passing it to me.
"It's tea." Dodie says with a smile whilst she pours herself a mug full. I bring the mug to my lips, the warm steam dancing across my cheeks and the hot liquid flowing down my throat; warming my entire body. "Thank you." I say quietly, holding the mug on top of my legs and keeping my dark eyes fixed on it.

A few minutes of silence follow before Dodie speaks again. "I assume you know." Her voice is as gentle as the breeze gliding across my face. She looks at me with large eyes but I keep my dark eyes down away from her gaze. Dodie sighs and I sip my drink again before she continues; "Look, Dan, I was speaking to her this morning and she seems nice. Her name's Meg and she just moved here from Yorkshire." She pauses and takes a small sip of tea before finishing, "I think you just need to talk to her and-"

"No." I say harshly, letting our eyes finally meet. "There is no way I am talking to her. Dodie furrows her brow "Why not? What is the worst that can happen?"
I take a deep breath and keep eye contact, "Me and Phil are together. If she comes in, she could ruin everything. Dodie, you can't let her do that."

Silently I sit staring at her waiting for some kind of reaction but I get nothing. She kind of just continues like normal, "Well I don't want to let that happen but she is bound to find you out eventually. You need to talk to her now before it is awkward!" She takes a pause and pouts her lips in thought, "You only have a few months left at school before we all leave and part ways. Maybe you should tell her upfront you just want to be friends."

I blink cluelessly at her. "Dodie."
She gazes up at me, "Yes?"
I look back at her, "Did you know?"
"About...?" She asks
"Me and Phil." I reply.
"Of course." She says plainly.
I widen my eyes "Then why didn't you..-"
"Why didn't I say anything?" She says
I nod a little, "Yeah."

"It is obvious you love each other. And it's your love, if you were soulmates I wouldn't question it. So why should I treat it any different?" She smiles at me and I find myself grinning at her.

"Besides, " she continues, "My parents aren't soulmates and their love is the strongest love I've ever seen. I think people are just too judgemental in this society. Love is love, no matter who is involved in the relationship."

We sip our tea in sync.


"What do you mean 'it just slipped out'?" Phil harshly whispers as we stand together in the school toilets. I bite my lip and take his hand discreetly, "It's only Dodie. She won't tell anyone else and you know she won't."
Phil sighs and looks away from me, my heart deflates in my chest. "She was suggesting me talking to this new girl and I had to tell her why I couldn't. Im sorry Phil. I know I should have asked you first but.." I ramble on but stop as he looks at me with his piercing blue eyes.

"Shut up." He says and I stare at him with wide eyes of confusion. "That's right. You need to shut up right now. You also need to take me into one of those cubicles and kiss me. Have you got that?" Phil says in a harsh voice, making my heart flutter. I nod a little too eagerly and drag him down into the furthest cubicle, shutting the door behind me.

Phil turns to look at me and slams my back into the door as he presses his lips onto mine. His hands begin to search my chest as mine grip onto his waist. Our kissing is sloppier than usual but just as passionate or maybe even more. He pulls back soon later and grins at me, his hair a mess and his breathing heavy.

A sudden look of innocence returns to his eyes and he smiles sweetly at me. My hand raises and softly pats his fringe down back into place. He blushes softly and steps forward, placing his head on my shoulder and wrapping his arms around my waist loosely. I close my eyes and let my arms cover his shoulders, pulling him close to me.
The school toilet with its flickering lights; grimy floors; crusty taps that don't stop dripping; the patches of mould on the ceiling; the pubes on the urinals; the pee stains on the floor; the stomach-turning stench coming from the toilets, suddenly becomes the most perfect place in the entire world. Not because of the graffiti on the cubicle wall beside me or the shattered cracking on the mirrors, but because I am here with Phil Lester in my arms.

With Phil's love even this disgusting school toilet can become perfect.
...not in a creepy way though.
...I don't suddenly love gross toilets.

With Their Eyes Filled With Starsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें