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"Are we there yet?" I mock whine, dragging my feet as I follow Phil down one of the outskirt streets of town. Phil stops and turns with a grin, "ta dah!" He exclaims making me look up at the shop he stopped me outside.

"A tea room!" I smile looking at the quaint little shop. It has a slightly wonky white painted wooden door next to a set of old hazy glass windows, fairylights decorating the inside of them. Tiny cups and saucers are placed neatly in the windowsill. 'Mary Jo's Tea Room' is painted in swirly blue writing on a wooden board above the window and door.

"Oh Phil, " I turn to him with a grin making his nervous frown disappear into a smile, "It's so cute! I love it already!"

He takes my hand in his and pushes the door open, the sweet jangle of a bell sounding when he does. "Where shall we sit?" Phil smiles at me and I give a small shrug, "Wherever they want us to, I guess." I say remembering the incident at the restaurant not long ago.
"No, no, don't be silly! Where do you want to sit?" He asks again. This time I let my eyes wander around the small room of tables.

Each table is painted with a soft white paint and have pink checkered table cloths on. "Let's sit here." I smile walking over to the table beside the hazy window, only now noticing that the cups and saucers in the window display have flowers planted inside them all. Phil pulls a chair out for me to sit on and then he sits in the seat opposite me.

He smiles at me and softly takes my hands in his. I look at our hands then up at him "...phil.." I mumble raising a brow, trying to pull my hands away. Phil just continues to smile, "Dan...look around, it's okay." He says in a gentle hushed tone.

With a frown I turn to look at the people who have tables behind us. A man and a woman; different eyes. A man and a man; different eyes. A woman and a man; different eyes. I turn back to Phil, who smiles at me lovingly. "Is this a 'safe' tea room?" I grin excitedly, squeezing his hands a little as he nods slowly.

"Hello gentlemen, are you ready to order?" A woman with a toothy smile and bright green eyes asks in a chirpy tone as she approaches our table. Her wispy, thin, blonde hair is pulled back in a high-ponytail with a slight side fringe overlaying her forehead. Tiny freckles scatter across her nose and cheeks, her skin as pale as porcelain.

"Erm, can I please have a..um...just a hot chocolate please." Phil smiles at her.

"Do you want marshmallows or cream with that?" She says whilst scribbling in her notepad. I notice that her dark blue nail polish is chipped but the colour matches her lacy blouse.

"Yes, both please." Phil says before they both turn to look at me. "Umm...can I have the same please?" I ask and she nods in response, her hair bouncing gently as she does. "Anything to eat or just two hot chocolates?" The toothy grin returns to her face as she asks us.

"Chocolate cake?" Phil asks, I notice he is looking at me and I quickly nod. He turns to look at the waitress, "two slices of chocolate cake please."
She scribbles it down before reciting; "Two hot chocolates with marshmallows and cream, and two slices of chocolate cake." Her green eyes look between us both as we nod before she smiles again and heads back to the small wooden counter.

Phil's eyes search around the room, whilst mine flicker over his face. The pale skin on his cheeks illuminated with the dull orange glow of the fairy-lights. A few stray hairs have drifted down onto his forehead and a couple of freckles have appeared on his nose. Almost in slow motion, I watch his entire face brighten with one of his large smiles as he shows off his slightly wonky teeth. I feel my lips pull into a smile as I see his face filled with happiness. I only become aware I'm staring at him when he turns and meets my gaze with a chuckle.

"Dan!" He laughs, his eyes flicking to the side of our table. I follow his gaze slowly before quickly sitting back from leaning on the table. The waitress laughs before placing the plate of cake down on the table infront of me, she then places down the cup and saucer with a mountain of cream and marshmallows in.
"Thank you...?" I furrow my brow as I realise I don't know her name. She looks at me then widens her eyes as she realises why I'm frowning, "Hazel." The waitress smiles sweetly at me. I smile back, "Thank you, Hazel." me and Phil accidentally say in sync. We make eyecontact and laugh a little before both turning back to Hazel, "Sorry!" We say in unison again, "Agh! That's weird!"

Hazel looks between us and laughs but I can't tell if it is a humorous laugh or an uncomfortable laugh. I look at Phil and then back at Hazel, "We don't usually do that, I don't know what just happened!" I say with a small laugh. Hazel gives a small nod and a smile, "Well, they have proven you pick up traits when you spend a lot of time with one person." She says before turning to look behind her.

"I will leave you both alone so you can eat!" She chuckles and makes her way back to the counter where she is met by a boy with a small quiff and glasses. He gives her a large beaming smile and pecks her lips. He says something to her and she rolls her eyes at him.

I'm pulled away from looking at them when Phil takes hold of my hand. Our eyes meet and we both smile wide. "So," he says before taking a sip of hot chocolate, leaving cream on the tip of his nose and across the top of his lip, "What do you think of here?" He finishes.

I giggle a little at how oblivious he is to the cream covering his face. "I love this place! It's so cute and friendly!" I grin before leaning over the table towards him. Obviously thinking I leant forwards to kiss him, he meets me in the middle but before our lips touch I quickly eat the cream off his nose and chuckle. He sits back in his seat and puts his hand to his nose. "I was just cleaning it up for you!" I poke my tongue out at him with a cheeky grin.

Phil sighs but smiles, "Just eat your cake you buffoon! I have another surprise for you yet!"
I raise a brow slowly, "I thought we were going to start saving money to see your brother?"
"Well, I wanted to treat you before we start!" Phil grins, rubbing his thumb on the back of my hand.

"I love you" I whisper softly.
"I love you too, you dork! Now stop being sappy and eat your cake!" Phil grins at me.

Lol I wrote this on a beach in Northumberland! I feel like there has been a lot of drama in this fic recently so I decided to write some chilllll chapters for you!

Also, added Hazel because I realised I had missed her out somehow! And ofc if I add Hazel, Jack makes an appearance! (;

-Connie x

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