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"Phil!" I call.
"Phil!" I repeat.
"PHIL!" I shout.

But he keeps walking down the corridor until I lose him in the crowd of people. He said he was running late this morning so we couldn't walk up together, which sucks I know. To add to that I haven't had my first three lessons with him which sucks even more. Then finally when I at last see him in the corridor, it is too loud for him to even hear me shouting his name.

"Phil! Phil! Phillll!" A person walking beside me imitates in a mocking whiny tone. "Oh Phil come quick I need to make out with you! Philll I need you to touch me Phil! Ohhhh Phillll!" The tall tanned guy pathetically groans beside me, mockingly touching himself whilst his friends laugh and jeer at me.
"What's up, lover boy? Your prince isn't coming to your rescue?" A hideous girl laughs from beside me.

My eyes flicker over all their laughing faces, a few tears threatening to fall down my cheeks. Suddenly, I launch my hand out and grab onto the scruff of the moaning boy's collar. I lift him up off the floor a bit and stare a deep dark stare into his eyes. "Are you going to shut the fuck up or am I going to have to make you?" I spit.

Everyone in the corridor falls quiet and watches. I can feel the beads of sweat running down my face as I stare at the other boy who has stopped struggling now.
"Fucking queer, get off him!" A familiar voice is heard before I take a blow to the back of the kneecaps making me drop to the floor and release my grip on the dude's collar.

"Thanks Meg." The boy mumbles before spitting on my face. Then they all simply walk away and the corridor becomes busy again as if nothing happened. Slowly I pull myself up off the floor when I feel a gentle hand touch my lower arm.

I jump and spin to see Dodie smiling up at me. Her brow furrows a little as she pulls something out her pocket before standing on her tiptoes to reach my cheek. Carefully she uses her tissue to wipe the spit from my face before giving me a large grin again. "You okay?" She asks, dropping the tissue into the nearby bin.
I nod a little and smile. "Yeah, I am now. Although I do believe we have computing now, so I'm not brilliant!" A grin takes over my face and I playfully shove her a little as we make our way down the corridor. She rolls her eyes and looks up at me, "Computing isn't that bad! I mean, it could be worse, you could have maths!" She giggles as I jokingly gag at the thought.
"Don't even say that word around me! It will bring me out in a rash!" I grin as we head towards the computer room.

"Maths! Maths! Maths! Maths! Daniel loves maths!" Dodie sings whilst twirling infront of me whilst I walk.
"Oi! I said don't!" I shout with a grin, wrapping my arms around her waist and picking her up.

She squeals and kicks as I carry her towards the bin. "Dan! Stop! Stop! Ahh no!" She slaps my arms but calms down when I just sit her down on the lid.
"Oh come on! Am I that mean?!" I say, overexaggerating my hand actions, giving a full twirl before setting off back towards class.
"Hey! Wait up!" She laughs, jumping off the top of the bin and running after me.


To: Phil <3
Hey! I didn't see you all day at school today )):
To: Phil <3
Im going to do some homework and then are you free to call? Xx
To: Phil <3
It took longer than I thought haha! Do you wanna call??
To: Phil <3
I just realised you are probably working or something!! Sorryy!
To: Phil <3
I hope you have fallen asleep; you better not be still working!!
To: Phil <3
Okay, im off to bed :3
Sleep well x
Love you <33

A knock on my front door makes me bolt down the stairs and swing it open with a large grin. PJ stands the other side and grins back. Discreetly I let my eyes scan the garden but there was no Phil.

"Morning Peej!" I smile, stepping outside and closing the door behind me.
"If you're looking for him, he said he would be late to school again today. Something about the dentist or whatever. He said he would have texted us but he lost his phone yesterday." PJ says as we make our way down to the pavement.
I nod understandingly with a smile, "Fair enough haha! How are you?"

PJ gives a small shoulder shrug, "I'm kinda just bummed out from revision and shit."
I sigh, "Don't remind me of exams Peej!" I dramatically press the back of my hand to my forehead. PJ just laughs and shoves me as we continue our trek to school.

As soon as we walk into school, our friends spot us from a bench under a tree and signal for us to go over. So, naturally, we do.

"What's up?!" PJ exclaims whilst throwing his arms out and plonking between Evan and Luke. I sit down on the grass against the fence right beside the table.
"Hey, Dan." Dodie says quietly from beside me. I look over and smile widely, "Hey up! How are you?" I ask her happily. But she shrugs half-heartedly, "I'm fine. How are you?" Her voice is quiet and soft, her eyes fixed on her hands as she picks at her nailvarnish.

"Are you sure you're fine?" I frown a little. She nods but I place my hand on her's, "You know you can tell me anything." I say softly. Dodie shakes my hand off, stands up and grabs her bag, "I said I'm fine." She says a little harshly before turning to the group, "I will see you guys in class.." and then she walks away towards the school building.
Emma watches her go before grabbing her bag and putting it on her back, "I'm going to see what's up- see ya'." she calls to us whilst hurrying after Dodie.

Sighing, I stand up also and lean against the table. "Does anyone know what time Phil is going to get here?" I ask but everyone either shrugs or shakes their head. I open my mouth to speak again but the bell sounds indicating we should head to class.


Phil hasn't shown up at school. It's fifth period and although I would not have this class with him, he has not turned up to any of the others.
"Okay, class! You've only got like two minutes to the bell...eh! Go! Don't tell anyone I willingly let you out early!" Miss Wells says to the class with a grin and then a chuckle as all the pupils rush out the room.

I follow after them out of the classroom and I'm only halfway down the corridor by the time the bell goes and all the other classes leave for home. Fearing that someone would grab at me again, I shuffle to the side and wait for it to clear.

That's until I see a familiar tall-framed, black-haired boy step out of maths and pull up his coat hood.

"Phil!" I call with a grin, pushing through the crowd. His head flicks a little to the side as I shout but he starts to walk forwards down the corridor.

"Phil!" I repeat louder whilst hurrying after him but he only continues to rush through the crowd. But he reaches the doors at the end and the large crowd of students leaving stops him in his track. I grab his shoulder and spin him round on the spot, he pulls at the hood but I quickly remove it from his head.

"Oh..Phil...I'm sorry..." I whisper, my hand slowly covering my mouth.

"What?! How could you leave us on such a cliffhanger?!"


Okay but seriously I keep thinking no one cares enough about this fic so I never update but apparently people do ^-^

So here is the new segment of this fic! Why was Phil avoiding Dan? What's Dan sorry for? What's wrong with Dodie? Oooo so many questions! But you're gonna have to wait to find out!

Okay, well, until next time ((;

-Connie x

P.s. I haven't proof read because it's really hot in the uk currently and im not very well because of it so im vv tired. Sorry for errors.

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