Chapter 31

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Gabbi's POV:

I heard little whimpering causing me to stir awake. I sat up slowly and listen more closely. It was a little cry from the crib and I crawled over my mates, trying not to disturb them and made my way over.

I walked over to the crib to look down to see Nicholas' blue eyes staring back at me. He stopped making noises when he saw me and just waited for me to pick him up. I did as he wanted and checked to see if he need a diaper change or to see if he was hungry, it was the latter.

I sat on the rocking chair that was placed in the room and he latched on to my breast like a champ. I chuckled, "Hungry little man?" I whispered to him, playing with the soft brown hair on his head.

"You really are a natural my dear." I looked up in amazement as the Goddess materialized in front of me. She lightly passed her finger tips along Nicholas' cheek. "He will be strong, powerful and just leader." She then walked over to the crib and I got up to follow her, covering myself and burping Nicholas.

She was sweeping her hand along Elena's cheek, "She will be beautiful, caring and gentle." She moved to my little Raina, "She will be intellectual, understanding. Then the boy will bring humor to the dark but be very faithful." She turned to me and lifted, the now sleeping, Nicholas out of my hands placing him softly with his siblings.

We stood there in silence for a few moments, "They will all make everything better. A strong family, a better furture. Everyone will become one once again. But it will start with you." She seemed extremely happy by this but then grew serious. "A months time, be prepared."

"G-abb-i?" I heard a double stutter behind me. I turned to see the twins awake and staring from me to the Goddess and back again. With a musical laugh she disappear just as fast as she came.

"Wa-s..." Caden cleared his throat, "Was that who I think it was?"

I giggled, "Yes, yes it was." I said and walked back over.

They both looked slightly pale. I got back into the bed and snuggled up to both of them, "Everything okay?"

"Yes and no. She blessed our children but said to be prepared by a months time."

The boys frowned and then held me closely. We stayed that way for awhile before they both sighed, "Our mothers want in." I looked over at the clock to see that it was only 7 in the morning.


Adrian nodded, "Yeah they already knew we were awake somehow."

"And we can't wait any longer!" Samantha said walking in. She beamed at us, kissed me on my forehead and walked over to the crib to coo at the babies inside.

Soon the room was filled with everyone, "So what are their names?" Richard asked holding Raina in his hands.

"Mom is holding Nicholas Zane, the oldest." Caden said.

"Nathan is holding Elena Rose, the next oldest." Adrian spoke up.

"Your holding Raina Bloo and Samantha is hold Grayson Oliver." I finished off. Everyone said how they loved they names and passed the babies around.

"Dad we need to speak to you." Adrian said seriously. "Actually we need to speak to all the men here." All the guys nodded and kissed their mates as they walked out.

Lilly walked carefully to me, holding little Grayson in her arms, "They sure are tiny." She muttered as her eyes never left her hands, "Am I holding him right?" She asked worried. The woman laughed and nodded at her.

I took Grayson from her hands and told her to sit next to me in the bed. Once she was comfortable I placed him back in her arms. "I wonder what they need to talk about." She said.

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