Chapter 12

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Hello my lovely readers, Here is chapter 12. Enjoy (:


I sat right between the boys. They both froze and looked down at me in the seat, no emotion on their faces. I looked around the table to see everyone looking relived and happy about my choice.

“Gabbi, what are you doing?” Adrian asked his voice horse. I was shocked, so was everyone else. I guess they didn’t really want me to sit here. I can only imagine. Why would they want little me? I wasn’t the prettiest person and I had baggage. I wouldn’t want me either. I could feel my eyes start to burn from tears threating to spill, I was staring down at my plate.

I quickly got up and excused myself, saying that I needed to use the restroom. I stopped in the kitchen catching my breath and blinking back the tears that were blurring my vision. I could hear them talking in the other room.

“You idiots! She made her choice. She was choosing to give you two a chance and you asked her was she was doing? She probably feels as though you didn’t want her. You know how big of a step it was for her to decide to even give you a….” Samantha was saying.

“Sweetheart, calm down.” I heard Richard say to her. “Go fix it. That girl was scared earlier but she was willing to sit and forget that fact to let you two explain, to give you both a chance. Fix it before you can’t because that little girl is the daughter that your mother and I have always wanted and if you screw it up….” He didn’t finish his sentence, he just let it hang. I sucked in a breath. They really felt that way? I heard the sound of two chairs being pushed back and I quickly went to my room and into the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and saw that I had been silently crying. I was washing my face when I heard my bedroom door open.

“Gabbi?” I heard Caden’s voice. It was soft, like he was talking to a child. I walked out of the bathroom and looked at both boys, trying to keep my face emotionless.

“Yes?” I said and I went and sat down on the chair, facing them.

“Can we talk?” Adrian asked. I shrugged my shoulders and waved my hand out for them to take a seat. They did Adrian on my bed and Caden at the desk chair. We sat there staring at each other for what felt like hours but was only two minutes. They both sighed.

“Gabbi…. Why did you leave the dining room?” Caden asked.

I shrugged, “I needed to use the bathroom.” I lied. The both growled and their eyes became darker.

“Don’t lie to us, Gabbi.” Adrian growled out and I shudder, pushing back into the seat. I sat there wide-eyed and scared. They both whimpered from my facial expression.

“I’m sorry Gabbi.” Adrian apologized. I just shrugged my shoulders, trying to pretend like it didn’t affect me. “Will you answer our question?”

I sighed and looked at the widow, not looking them in the eye. “It sounded like you didn’t want me near you so I got up and left.” I said still not looking at them.

“Gabbi, it wasn’t that we didn’t want you to sit between us, we always want you to sit between us. I was so shocked that you actually sat down next to us that I had to ask you what you were doing, I thought it was a dream that you chose us.” Adrian said, remorse lacing every word.

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