Chapter 14

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I woke up to two warm embraces. I snuggled into the chest that my face was already on. The arms tightened around me and I smiled.

"Ahem." I heard someone clear their throat.

"Not again." I mumbled into the chest. I opened my eyes to see that the chest was bare, so this must be Caden. "Adrian?"

"Hmm?" he mumbled into the back of my neck.

"Did you re-lock the door after you talked to Nathan?"


"Why no, no he didn't." Nathan said laughter in his voice. I groaned. I then started to panic; we were all butt naked under my sheets. I felt Adrian start to move to get out.

I quickly flipped around and grabbed his arm. "DON'T." He looked at me funny so I slid my hand onto his crotch and gave it a squeeze. His eyes widened with understanding but his eyes darken in lust.

"Did you guys use protection this time?" my mom asked out. I looked over and saw that everyone was in the room again, smiling at us.

"I could ask the same thing." I said looking at her watching as her cheeks flushed. I saw Samantha jumping up and down in excitement. I raised my eyebrows at her.

"AM I GOING TO BE A GRANDMA SOON!?" she squealed and went to go jump on the bed with us but Richard grabbed her and held her to his chest.

"You may not want to do that." He said smirking at me. I was blushing so bad that if felt like my face was on fire.

"Gabbi turn off your alarm. It sounds like my mom screeching." Caden moaned from behind me.


"That's because it is your mom." I mumbled to him.

"Well you three need to get up so you can make it to school on time." Tony said. They started to walk out when Nathan turned back around.

"This would be the part where I tell you two," he pointed at Caden and Adrian, "If you break her heart I will break you face." Then he walked out.

I busted out laughing at the shocked expressions the twin wore. "Heehee your faces." I stopped laughing when I looked at them, their eyes completely black with lust. "Guys?"

Their eyes were moving down my body and that's when I felt the cool breeze touch my breast. Between their heated looks and the cool breeze, my nipples tighten almost painfully. I went to pick up the sheet to cover myself but was stopped by big, strong hands.

"Oh no you don't." Caden said. Looking over to his brother, "Go shut and lock the door. I think we have time for a little snack before school." They were both grinning evilly toward each other.

"No, no. We need to get ready for..." I was silenced my Caden slamming his lips on mine. I moaned into the kiss and wrapped my arms around his neck. I felt the smile on his lips as he kissed me. The sheet was yanked away, leaving us all bare. I shivered from the coldness and the pleasure that was now coursing through my body. I felt kisses starting at my toes working their way up my legs, to my inner thighs. I was giggling until the kisses got to about an inch from my core, where it turned into a little moan.

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