Chapter 1

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"AHH!" Another smack. I grimaced, I could hear every smack and punch that my mother was receiving from my father. Her cries of pain making me sick to my stomach. He was drunk again and angry, a very deadly combination.

I was sitting in my bedroom closet, door locked from the inside; hold my younger brother and sister. The smacks of flesh and whimpers of pain lasted for about 30 minutes before my father snapped a little more of his insanity.

"TELL ME WHO HE IS YOU STUPID WHORE!" My father roared causing the little ones to flinch. This was the same thing he asked every time he came home like this. He, for some unknown reason, believed my mother was cheating on him, something that she would never do. Unlike him, who had a new girl every week.

"I-I-I don't kno-w-w what-t you're talk-ing about." My mother stuttered, fear clear in her voice.

"LIES!" he yelled. I then hear the sound of bone snapping and my mother's cry of pain. Not being able to handle it any longer, I pulled the two little ones off me and sat them next to each other.

Looking deep into their eyes so that they know that I meant business, "I want you both to stay here. Don't leave until mom or I come to get you. Do you understand?" I asked them and they nodded their heads. "Good." I pecked both their foreheads and started to leave. Shutting the door I whisper, "Lock the door." and I didn't move until I hear the lock click.

Slowly walking down the hall towards the living room where I knew he had my mother. When I got my first glimpse of the scene before me I almost threw up. There on the ground surrounded by blood was my mom; bruises and cuts decorated her skin, her arm in an awkward position due to the fact it was broken. Not paying attention, I stepped on the squeaky board. He flipped around, eyes blazing.

"Well if it isn't my worthless piece of shit of a daughter." He saw me cringe and laughed. "Awe did daddy hurt his little girls feelings?" he sneered at me. "What the hell do you want?"

Stupid man. He knew what I wanted. "I want you to stop." I whispered.

"What did you just say? Were you telling ME, YOUR FATHER to stop." I nodded my head. "You do not tell me what to do." He charged and tackled me to the ground. I blacked out from the impacted that my head had taken.

Waking up a few minutes later, I saw something that I never wanted to see. My father was holding my little sister smacking her. I went to get up but realized my body was in a lot of pain. Looks like he beat me after I passed out. Not letting him see me I crawled to the kitchen and grabbed a pot. Finally getting to my feet I went behind my dad as he dropped my sister to the ground, he turned around just as I swung the heavy pot. It collided with his face perfectly but I didn't stop there. I hit again until he was lying on the ground passed out and then I still didn't stop. I hit him with the pot over six more time. Limping to his room, I pulled out rope that he kept under the bed and went back to him, tying him up.

Both my mother and sister were looking at me like I was insane. Maybe I was but I was not dealing with this any longer. This has been going on for years, and I was sick of it.

Looking at my sister, "Ariel I want you to go get Colby and I want both of you to pack a bag. Put clothes and a few toys. And don't forget your tooth brushes." I said and she nodded her head dashing off to do as I said. I limped over to my mom, cupping her face in my hand. "We are leaving." I whisper to her and she tear up, relief clear in her eyes. Helping her up, she went to go pack up her things too but not before she gave a swift kick to my father manhood. "Jackass." She mumbled and went on her way.

Racing up to my room I pulled a bag out and started packing everything that I needed and the few things I wanted. Walking over the vent in the wall, I removed the cover. Sticking my hand inside, I grabbed a tin can. It had over 9 thousand dollars inside. I had a job and took from my dad when he was too drunk to notice, just in case we ever got a chance like this. We all meet back up at the front door. I grabbed my car keys and started to walk out. Putting all the bags in the trunk, I got the two little ones buckle in and then went to help my mom. She smiled at me as I help and kissed my cheek. Walking over to the driver side I got in and started the car. I turn to look at my mom.

"I have a little of 9 thousand dollars on me. Where would you like to go?" I asked her.

She chuckled and looked at me, "I have over 12 thousand with me. Looks like we were both waiting for this day to come." I gave her a small,sad smile. "I want you to start heading to Alaska." She told me. I stared at her. "My sister lives there. She'll help. She's been trying to get me to come out there and her new husband almost came to retrieve us when they found out what was going on." I nodded my head. this was going to be a long ride.

"Alaska it is." I said and pulled out, driving away from this hell.

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