1: Hi I'm Kellin and I'm a Mess

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soooo I had been thinking about this for a while, but I couldn't make up my mind about whether it was a good idea or not... I mean, there really aren't that many Koli books out there. but then I figured, I use Koli so much in my own books, and when Zombie_Lilli literally said "u should do a koli story" I was basically convinced. so here it is!

topics like addiction, abuse and all that stuff will be brought up. there will be lots of band members everywhere. but in the end, it's all about Koli! so let's get started...


"So what time will your parents be home?"

I raised an eyebrow questioningly as I watched him take another hit off the pipe whilst staring at me, waiting for an answer. "Since when the fuck do you care about my parents?" I wondered, chuckling sarcastically.

"Since... never." He muttered below his breath as he blew out the smoke. "Just trying to make casual conversation." He then stated with a grin.

"Oh shut the hell up and hand me the pipe, Matty." He let his eyes roll to the back of his skull as he handed me the pipe with a satisfied smile. I held the lighter underneath the end and inhaled deeply. In only a matter of seconds the hit went straight to my head, sending the familiar tingling sensation coursing through my entire body. And for a moment, it felt like heaven on earth again.

I wasn't proud of myself for using drugs... I mean, let's be real- who would be? But it was my only escape to the shit that my daily life would put me through. My parents were horrible... high school hadn't been much better and the same went for my love life.

Back in high school I had madly fallen for my best friend, Vic. But he on the other hand never saw much more in me than a best friend. Eventually he got a boyfriend by the name of Jaime. He was a cool guy. Of course I was totally broken up about it at first, but since he was my best friend I got over it. We kind of parted our ways since then... well, mostly just since I started screwing up.

The relationship I had with my parents was honestly nothing worth mentioning. The way they treated me basically seemed like they hated my guts, and that was that.

My dream was to become a famous singer, but I got myself stuck in a routine where nothing was really happening in my life. Nothing but working a shitty part-time job, doing drugs and hanging around concerts.

I was a mess.

I sat back on the ground and rested my head on the edge of the bed as I took another hit, letting the same tingly sensation wash over me. "Good stuff, isn't it?" Matty then asked me, his vague voice piercing through my buzz. I just nodded and moaned out of sheer pleasure. This shit made me feel like I could take on the world. Sadly enough though, it did that only temporarily.

I then felt Matty crawl up between my legs and start kissing my neck. "You're so hot when you're all fucked up." He groaned into my neck, the vibration of his lips making me shiver all over.

"Shut the hell up." I giggled at him.

As I was attempting to take another hit, Matty kissed further up until he reached the corner of my mouth. Every kiss made my skin feel like it was on fire. I smiled at him and blew the smoke out on his face, making him grin right before he crashed his lips onto mine. His hands found their way under my shirt as he then forced his tongue into my mouth.

Sex with Matty as sloppy at best, just as it always was. And I strongly doubted that it was because of the drugs. We had been dating on and off for a few months now. None of my 'friends' really liked him... they blamed him for my drug abuse. But the truth was, I was already using before I dated him. Just because he knew where to get the good stuff didn't mean he forced me to use it. That was my own choice.

Sadly though, it wasn't much of a choice anymore. By now it had turned into a need for it.

After hours of lying in bed and singing along to whatever music Matty had put on, I figured that it was probably time to head home. "Your parents are never going to let you back in at a time like this." Matty then stated as I started to get dressed.

"Don't worry babe, I've got ways." I smirked back at him.

He grinned at me seductively and smacked my ass right before I pulled up my pants. I quickly threw on my hoodie, slipped on my toms and gave Matty a kiss goodbye.

"See you tomorrow?" He then asked as I walked out the door.

"Maybe." I yelled back at him. I stuffed my hands into my hoodie's front pocket and casually walked down the street, enjoying the fresh midnight air. The soft breeze hitting my face felt euphoric, and I knew that it was still the high of the crack doing that to me.

It felt like I was home in a matter of seconds, not even remembering the entire walk there. Quietly I climbed up the fence of the porch, pulled myself onto the roof and slipped into my bedroom window.

"Home sweet fucking home." I muttered sarcastically as I undressed and slipped into bed. I glanced over to my clock and noticed that it was nearly 3 am. Relieved that it was Sunday, I let my head fall down on my pillow and let out a deep sigh.

I realized that the crack was going to keep me up for hours if I didn't do anything about it, though, so I popped two Valium pills into my mouth and downed them with a glass of water that I had left for myself on my nightstand before I went out. It was obvious that I had become way too familiar with this fucked up routine. And it took some time, but eventually I finally fell asleep.

Fuck. I told you I was a mess.

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