33: Whore of Warped

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A month passed by, quick as ever, and I was really enjoying myself here in London. I hadn't found myself a place yet, but the room in the hostel wasn't bad. It would do for now, honestly.

By now I had bought myself an entirely new wardrobe, a bit more suitable for the UK weather, which mostly consisted of black skinny jeans, hoodies and clothes from Drop Dead. I really missed my usual Hot Topic shopping sprees though, and so every now and then I made Tay pick up some things for me and send them over. 

It was a nice UK summer weather Saturday; warm, not too much sun and a slight breeze. Michael and I had gotten a tattoo together a few days ago. We both got a crescent moon on our right ring finger, symbolizing London, the nighttime and basically our dedication to the pub, of which the name literally meant the moon.

It was starting to itch like crazy, though, so I got dressed and headed out to get myself some cream.

I walked down a few streets, in search for a drug store, passed La Lune and went down the now familiar alleyway to head into the city center of London. I crossed the street to the white building and spotted someone familiar coming out of the door.

It was Oli.

"Ah, so you live in the blindingly white building." I mentioned, quoting his own words from the day I met him. "So I'm guessing that 'the most amazing loft in all of London' belongs to you then?"

Oli looked up and smiled at me as he shut the door behind him. "Or. . . are you stalking me? You know I don't work on Saturdays, though." I then added.

"And how would you think I'd know that?" Oli then asked as he turned his side to me, locking his door with an obvious grin playing on his lips.

"Because Michael told me that you never come in on the days that he works."

"And that fact makes me a stalker?" The amusement in his voice was quite clear. And honestly I was just joking around. He was a nice and good-humored guy, I was sure he could handle it. "Perhaps I have other things to do on my weekends." He then informed me.

Ah, he was joining in on my little game.

"Oh so you're a weekday drinker? That sounds like a problem. Better not let your boss know about that." I warned him with a cheeky smile.

After slipping his keys into his pocket, he finally looked up at me and laughed. "My 'boss'. . ." He started, making quotation signs with his fingers. "Hardly cares for what I do on my weekdays, thank you. . . as long as I show up and don't fuck up, it's all perfectly fine, love."

"Well aren't you lucky." I grumbled below my breath.

Oli just chuckled and shook his head. "So, where were you headed? Need directions again?" He teased with a devilish smirk.

I pretended to be insulted and crossed my arms. "No- I'm perfectly fine, thank you." I told him; trying to put on the same accent he had said it in just a moment ago. "I just need to get something from the pharmacy."

"Alrighty then. I'll be off now." Oli then informed me, eyeing me from head to toe with an eyebrow arched up. "The pharmacy is down two streets on the right, by the way." And with that, he simply walked off.

Damn it. He got me. 

I laughed to myself and rolled my eyes as I continued my walk down the street. Of course I took Oli's directions and eventually arrived at the drug store, then soon walking back out with some Germoline. The lady behind the counter recommended it to me; supposedly it was great for all types of cuts and itches. It numbed the skin and disinfected it, so I suppose it would do the trick.

I found myself realizing that this was the first time leaving a drug store without getting any crazy prescribed medication. No more anxiety pills, no more heavy painkillers, no more anti-depressants, and definitely no more sleeping pills. I sighed, satisfied with how everything turned out.

I was clean. I still was. And hundred percent determined to keep it that way.

"As long as this creepy Germoline stuff isn't addicting." I jokingly muttered to myself as I walked back to the hostel.

I really liked the way that things were turning out for me. The only thing that occasionally tended to bother me was that I still didn't remember certain things. But I tried to not think about it that much.

Once back in my room, I got myself some lunch. I poured some cereal into a bowl, added milk and spent a few hours watching tv. When it was about dinnertime, my phone rang. To my surprise, the caller ID said Vic.

I cleared my throat and answered the call. "Ello!" I exclaimed, trying to put on a British accent as best I could whilst trying to hold back my laughter.

"Um- who is this?" Vic asked, sounding seriously confused.

"Dude you're the one calling me. . . you should know who I am." I simply told him. Vic laughed a little and I could just picture him rolling his eyes at me. "So what's up, Fuentes?"

"Just checking in on you." He murmured softly. "So how's things?"

I let myself fall backwards onto my bed and let out a satisfied sigh. "I'm in love." I happily admitted to him as I closed my eyes and swooned.

"You're. . . you're what? With who? Did you met uh- someone?" Vic choked. He didn't exactly sound amused.

I just giggled at his shocked reaction, though. "With London, dummy."



"Speaking of. . . love." I then started; suddenly being reminded of my past there. "How's LA? And everyone else?"

"LA?" Vic wondered, his voice spiking with surprise. "Just fine, as always. I haven't been home much lately. Why? Any regrets leaving here?"

"No!" I exclaimed. Definitely not. "It's just. . . sometimes I just wonder, you know? If things will ever blow over?"

Vic sighed, a deep and frustrated sigh, and that told me enough really. "Yeah, some websites have been pretty cruel, even since you've been gone. I actually read an article the other day. . . it was an interview with some new band that joined Warped. . . the retard claimed you came around and fucked the whole band. They're calling you the Whore of Warped now."

"What the fuck?!" I yelled through the phone. "I'm in London for fuck's sake! How could I have been at Warped this year?! Whore of Warped, seriously Vic?" I groaned loudly. "Well hopefully if I'm gone long enough it'll stop someday."

Although it probably wouldn't. God this was so frustrating!

"Do you miss LA at all?" He then asked.

Well not if it continued on like this!

I sighed softly and frowned as I thought about it. "I guess. But I don't want to go, not yet. I'm not done here."

"I'm not saying you should leave." Vic then pointed out, his voice sounding warm. And I knew he was smiling at that point. "Hey, how about me and the guys come visit you sometime? Sounds like fun. We were in the UK a few months ago, but still, it's nice out there. I have to admit, I kinda miss you."

I held back a giggle. What he said was kinda cute. "Yeah sure, that does sound nice."

"Deal. Well I gotta go now, take care, alright?"

"Take care. Bye Vic."

I clicked the call away and sighed deeply. . . Whore of Warped.

What. The. Fucking. Hell.

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