37: He's My Original High

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"Oli, get off me!" I squealed through my giggles. "Get off!"

He laughed as he continued to tickle my sides, causing me to bury myself further into the heap of pillows on his bed. Ever since my memories had come flooding back into my little nugget, I had spent as much time with Oli as I could.

I hadn't even gone back to the hostel, except for that one time to grab some clean clothes and bathroom necessities. My head was fine again, but I didn't tell Michael that just yet. I really just wanted some time off to get used to the fact that I was with Oli again. He still had to help me piece together certain parts of my memories.

But right now, we were just having childish fun.

I was squirming around beneath his hold. He had situated himself on top of me, straddling me and holding me down firmly with his knees at my hips. All he was wearing was a flimsy pair of boxers, and I sure as hell did not mind.

"I'm going to fucking kill you if you don't stop tickling me!" I groaned, not being able to hold back my laughter through it anyways.

"No, you won't." Was all Oli said in response, before he then finally stopped and leaned down to kiss me.

I quickly responded to the kiss, wrapping my arms around his neck as I then grinded my lower half up against him. He let out a low growl and pushed back a little, a grin playing on his stupid irresistible face. "Not now, Kells." He cooed, kissing the tip of my nose before rolling off me.

I sighed, but I was fine with it, honestly.

Oli turned towards me again, his hair falling into his beautiful hazel eyes as he then wrapped an arm around me. He looked a little concerned for some reason. "Now. . . now that you remember things. Are you, like, are you okay, love?" He asked me ever so carefully.

I just smiled, one of those goofy smiles that hurt if you let them hang there for too long. "Of course I'm okay." I assured him without any hesitation. "Why wouldn't I be?"

His brows furrowed together as he inspected my face thoroughly. "Well, it's just that. . . you tried to kill yourself, Kells. That's the last thing you did before you lost your memory, and I. . . I just want to make sure you don't still feel that way."

I nodded in understanding, gently moving the locks of hair out of his face before I lightly pecked his lips. "I'm sorry about what happened, I really am." I whispered, the memory of that night flashing through my mind.

"Kells, don't—"

"No, just hear me out." I said, interrupting him. He gave me a small nod and waited for me to continue. "I never really wanted to kill myself, and I'm sorry that I almost did. I was so immensely depressed and I just had no idea what I was doing. My therapist said it was partly my medication backfiring on me, but. . . but I know it was me. I'm so sorry."

By now, tears were running down my cheeks. I had been told before that I had tried to kill myself and that it was how I ended up in rehab. Justin told me that much. But at the time, I couldn't really believe it. Now that I remembered, though, I realized how fucking stupid I had been.

And after what Oli told me, I could tell he blamed himself. But it really wasn't his fault at all.

"I feel better now, though. I haven't been depressed for a day since I left that stupid rehab. And even now, I'm. . . I'm happy, Oli."

I quickly wiped away the tears that were blocking my vision from seeing Oli's reaction to my words. But I was glad when I found him smiling at me. He seemed to believe me, and he should, because I was telling him the god honest truth.

"So. . . no more cravings for using sketchy pills, smoking crap and feeling the need to be high all the time?" Oli asked for clarification.

I smiled, shaking my head confidently. "Nope, how you make me feel is the only kind of high I need. You are my real high, the original one. . . nothing and no one else makes me feel as good as you do. And. . . I'm sorry that I didn't see that before."

Oli leaned in; kissing me softly while his smile grew on my lips. "That's okay, love. I'm just glad you're doing better now." He whispered after pulling away.

"Me too. I love you, Oli."

"I love you too, Kells."

And for a while we just laid there in his bed, staring at each other, glad that things had turned out the way they did. It must've been hell for him, but it was worth it, in the end.

Oli's phone buzzing was what eventually brought us out of our daze. He sighed and took his phone from his bedside table, his eyebrows rising as he read what I assumed was the caller's ID. "Right, almost forgot." He murmured, clicking the call away. He pushed his phone back into its resting place and looked at me. "There's some things I need to take care of, but I'll be back this afternoon, okay love? Will you stay here, or. . .?"

I nodded quickly and smiled. "Yeah, sure, I'll stay here."

Oli smiled and pressed his lips to mine for a quick kiss before he got off the bed and started getting dressed. When he was done, he came back for another kiss, which then got interrupted by another phone call. "Yes, yes, I'm coming. Don't get your panties in a twist." He groaned softly, yet ignoring the call.

I giggled a little as I watched him leave and waved him goodbye from the bed before he shut the door behind him.

I sighed in contempt as I lay back on the bed, getting comfortable in the heap of fluffy pillows. This was the first time I had been alone in Oli's loft. . . it made me curious to see what he all kept around here.

So after lazing around in his bed for a few minutes, I got up and started snooping around.

The Original High (Koli) ✔️Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu