41: I Won't Forget You This Time - FINAL

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YES THIS IS THE FINAL CHAPTER. it had to end at some point. continuing this book and actually doing it justice was kind of a struggle. I just always had the feeling that it wasn't good. but thanks to all who stuck around and actually enjoyed reading it! I can't even believe it got over 20K reads. so thank you.


Once back in the states, I took a direct line towards the first rehab facility that I could find. I had my bag of clothes with me, my phone, my charger, but that was it. I didn't need more than that anyway.

"I won't forget you this time." I told Oli, hugging him tight after he had dropped me off at the front doors of the rehabilitation center.

He chuckled a little, looking down at me with a curious frown. "Right, your dream." He remembered. "You better not forget me, love."

"Never." I promised him, softly connecting our lips one last time.

Oli moved a hand up to my face, tucking my messy hair behind my ear before cupping my cheek into his hand. "Whatever happens, just know that I'm proud of you, Kell. I'm proud of you for doing this."

And those were the last words he said to me before he left.

I missed him, but doing this was all part of it. I had to have my full focus on getting better. And that meant no contact with the outside world for as long as it took.

This facility was different from the one in my dream, though. To come think of it, I was pretty sure that the one in my dream was actually a projection of a rehab I had once seen in a reality tv show. It was all very sterile and dull, and there was no swimming pool. . . instead, we got yoga lessons and group therapy sessions.

And the withdrawal was also nothing like in my dream. It was worse. Way goddamn worse. There were moments that I considered dying to be a better option than to go through with it, but eventually I managed.

What I went through during withdrawal was the absolute worst, though. The sensation of having bugs crawl beneath my skin, my head crushing beneath the tires of a loaded truck, and wanting nothing more than to tear my skin off my bones when it felt like it was on fire. And then there were the nightmares, the anxiety attacks, and finally the endless vomiting.

But I got through it.

I had to admit that I had been close to giving up many, many times. But I got through it. I did it. Even when one of my worst fears came to life and appeared right in front of me, looking me right in the eye.

"It's good to see you, Kellin."

The mere sight of him made me feel sick. "Back off." I told him, my voice cracking. "You're not really here, you can't be. I'm just imagining you. That's it." I tried convincing myself of it, I'd had lucid dreams like this before, but deep down I knew that this was different.

Backing away from my ginger ex-boyfriend, he just stood there, his head cocked as he stared at me. "It is me, Kellin. I uh- checked in a few days ago. Thought it was time to clean myself up." Matty explained calmly, shrugging his shoulders a little toward the end.

I huffed in disbelief.

"It's good to see you're cleaning yourself up, too."

"Oh please." I snapped at Matty, glaring in his direction. "You're part to blame for me being here." I reminded him as matter-of-factly.

"Yeah, I realize that." He admitted rather sadly, scratching the back of his neck before he sighed. "I screwed up real bad, Kellin. I wasn't myself. I dragged you into my world and—"

"You dragged me into a shit storm, Matty." I quickly interrupted him. "I mean did you ever even realize what you did to me? Not even mentioning the drugs, because that was all me. It's great and all that you want to better yourself, but quite frankly, I don't give a shit. You hurt me, Matty, both you and your asshole best friend. And no matter what you do, I will never forgive you."

His shoulders sank, he looked deflated, but he nodded anyway. "And you're right not to."

After all of the therapy sessions I'd had, that outburst was the most satisfying of all. I had truly never felt so relieved until I was faced with Matty in person. Apart from my relationship with my parents, he had been one of the nastiest chapters I needed to close.

And now that it was, things were really starting to look up for me.

Unlike the crazy six months that I was stuck in rehab in my dream, I was actually here for five weeks. What a difference, right?

"Are you ready to check out, Kellin?" My assigned therapist, Mrs. Brink asked.

I nodded with pride as I slung my bag over my shoulder. I was more than ready to leave this place.

She handed me back my phone, but I didn't need it. I knew who was waiting for me on the other side of those doors, and I was insanely excited for it.

"You've got to promise me something, Kellin." Mrs. Brink then began, putting her hand gently on my shoulder. "Promise me I'll never see that face of yours again, alright?"

A giggle escaped my lips. "I promise." I told her with a nod. "Thank you for everything." And I just had to hug her. I had to. Without her I wouldn't have made it. She had been so amazingly patient and helpful with me. It was incredible.

"Now go, don't keep your man waiting."

And she didn't have to tell me twice. I didn't even have to think twice about it, because by then I already found myself running outside.

On the edge of the curb, I stopped dead in my tracks. I inhaled the fresh air, let the sunlight touch my skin, and finally I saw him; Oliver Scott Sykes. My boyfriend. My world.

There he stood, a big smile evident on his beautiful face. And then I knew for sure; this was the first day of the rest of my life, with him by my side. Sober, healthy and happy.


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