16: Noodles, Basically

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The first long day of recording my music video had passed. We had done some separate shots in a motel room that Jaime had rented for the day, and we also did some shots in at a diner and a gas station. It was going to portray the struggles of being in a relationship and finding true love, all that sappy stuff.

It was Jaime's theory that the video would tell the world that I was only human, trying to find love, like everyone else. "Maybe it will open some eyes and help you to get rid of that ridiculous reputation." He pointed out. And I so honestly hoped that he was right.

Tired but satisfied with what we had done that day, I went straight home, where Oli was waiting for me. I gave him a quick 'hello' kiss and went into the bathroom to wipe off all the make-up that I had on for the video.

"Want to go out and grab a bite somewhere?" Oli then asked as me as he snaked his arms around my waist from behind, pulling my back against his chest.

I smiled at him through the mirror and shook my head slowly. "I'm really tired. How about we order something out and stay in?" I suggested.

Oli nodded in agreement and left a kiss on the top of my head.

When he left the bathroom, I quickly undressed and dove under the shower. The hot water felt great on my usual aching body. After washing myself off and slipping into some comfy clothes, I stood and stared into the mirror for a while.

Without that make-up from earlier I actually looked pretty awful. My skin was pale and the blackness surrounding my eyes looked like I hadn't had a normal night of sleep in like a year. Okay, maybe a year was a bit over the top, but you catch my drift. The worst parts were my sunken cheeks. All together I basically looked like death warmed up.

I knew it was the result of the stress, depression, and most of all the drug abuse. I felt ugly. . . but there wasn't much that I could do about it anymore now.

When the doorbell rang, I snapped out of my thoughts and left the bathroom. As I entered the living room, Oli just closed the front door and turned around with a plastic bag in his hands. "What did you get?" I asked him as I sat down on the couch.

"Some delicious Asian cuisine." He announced as he parked himself beside me and started unpacking.

"So noodles, basically." I then stated, kind of amused.

"Basically." Oli confirmed as he laughed.

I then grabbed the remote from the table and switched on the tv, flicking through the channels to try and find something interesting to watch. Eventually I found a re-run of Supernatural, and decided to leave it there. I had seen it plenty of times, but it honestly never got old. I comfortably sat back, threw my legs onto Oli's lap and just watched the show.

"Aren't you hungry?" Oli then asked, eyeing my box of noodles that still stood on the table. Before I could even answer, he grabbed it, picked up some of the noodles between two sticks and held it in front of my face. "Come on love, you need to eat." He urged with a playful tone.

I chuckled softly and opened my mouth for him as I rolled my eyes. He seemed to be pretty pleased with the fact that I let him feed me. Or that I even ate anything. The last bite failed, though, when the noodles were about to drop off the sticks and left behind a huge smudge of sauce on my chin.

"Oh god that feels gross." I complained in a fit of laughter.

Oli laughed as well and quickly grabbed a napkin, scooted closer and cleaned the sauce off my chin. It amused me to see with how much concentration he was doing that- his brows furrowed and his forehead creasing. It was cute.

When he finished, he looked up at me with a satisfied smile. It was then that I realized how often he actually smiled. Like literally, almost all the time. It was starting to become contagious.

In that brief moment of thought, our eyes locked. Oli slowly grew closer, his eyes focusing on my lips as I cupped his face into my hands and we kissed. I pulled my legs off his lap, resulting in him turning over and moving up in between them, straddling and pinning me down beneath him.

I smiled as I deepened the kiss; our tongues dancing in each other's mouths. Oli was gentle when he kissed me. . . one would almost say that it was careful or safe. . . or even boring. But I guessed that boring was just what I needed, because I loved it.

Oli then slipped his hands up my shirt and softly placed them on my bare back, making me arch up into him. After a few minutes of kissing, I could've sworn I felt him harden as he was pressed up against my thighs.

It was then that I began to panic a little.

You'd think that this was easy for me, especially considering my one time thing with Danny and all of my supposed 'whoring' around. But this wasn't like that. This was different. . . way different.

Oli slowly moved downward, leaving a trail of kisses along my jawline and down my neck. "I love you." He whispered, reaching my weak spot. I could feel my heart beating loudly in my throat as he spoke the words.

"I-I'm tired." I then murmured quickly, half lying.

I expected him to be a little pissed off from that, but instead he got off me and threw me an understanding smile. I really didn't get how he could be so patient with me, but he was.

After clearing the table, we went to bed. I rolled over on my side and grabbed Oli's arm, pulling it around me and lacing my fingers with his, while having our hands rest on my stomach.

"Are you okay?" He asked as he scooted closer.

"I am." I whispered. I wasn't really okay. Honestly I was scared to death and still panicking on the inside about earlier. But having something as simple as his arm around me, that was okay. I could deal with that.

I supposed that after everything, I just couldn't go further yet. I was scared to. Maybe it was because for once I did actually have strong feelings for someone. . . maybe I did actually love Oli, too.

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