13: He's Crazy

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I have sooo many chapters already finished for this... so I'm just gonna post a few every time.


One random night my phone rang, interrupting my sleep. The screen lit up and I saw that it was Tay calling me. I groaned and rolled onto my stomach as I answered the call.

"Good. . . evening." I muttered sarcastically, checking the time again.

"Kellin, is everything okay? Where are you now?" Tay asked, worry lacing her voice.

I sighed and rubbed my eyes. "Touring with some friends at Warped. You know that." I simply stated. "Why, what's up?" I then asked.

Tay sighed and groaned. "Dude, it's all over the internet that you hooked up with another band member. . . and some bullshit about you being Vic's tour slut while he's away from home. . . which doesn't make sense since his boyfriend is with him, but still. . . is this true?"

"What?!" I exclaimed, then quickly covering my mouth, not wanting to wake anyone else up. "No! Fuck no!" I whisper-yelled. "Me and Vic. . . dude, he's my best friend, that's all, seriously." Damn, this just proved how desperate the media was to make artists look bad after doing one little bad thing.

"Either way, I think you should come home." Tay then muttered. "I'm worried this is going to get worse with you out there, surrounded by. . . well, you know."

I sighed deeply. "Tay, I'll be fine. I have friends here. Now can I please go back to sleep? It's the middle of the fucking night."

"Kellin, I really think you should—" I groaned and clicked the call away, then putting my phone on silent. I rolled onto my back and ran a hand through my hair, still feeling pretty tired. I loved my sister, but sometimes I hated her. Honestly.

Curling up into a ball on my side, I did wonder how what happened between Danny and me got out. Did he tell someone or did we simply get caught? Somehow Matty knew, and that really worried me. Danny may have been an alcoholic, sex addicted guy with a drug problem. . . but he wasn't an ass. He wasn't a bad guy.

I sighed again. I had been upgraded from being a band whore to also making Vic cheat on his boyfriend with me. Which wasn't even really happening. A few tears escaped my eyes. Why did this have to happen, and why did it only get worse?

It probably just would've been better if I disappeared from this world forever.

Worthless. . .

Pathetic. . .

Slut. . .

Life ruiner. . .

It was with those thoughts that I fell asleep again.

And suddenly I found myself outside in a field, surrounded by an angry crowd of people. . . familiar people. I saw Matty, Jake, and every guy I ever dated, Tay, my parents, Vic, Mike, Tony, Jaime, some high school friends, and other random people I met at Warped. They were all yelling at me; their anger making me panic. They came closer and closer, their voices rising with each step. And I couldn't move. . . I couldn't escape from them. My heart was racing in my throat. I tried to gasp for air, but I couldn't even breathe. It felt like someone was choking me and I was scared shitless. . . streams of tears running down my face.

"Kellin! Kell, come on, wake up!" I then heard a voice stressing as I felt my surroundings shake.

Once more I gasped for air and finally opened my eyes, looking straight into the hazel eyes of Oliver who sat on the edge of my bunk with a seriously worried look on his face. "Did you have a nightmare? Are you having a panic attack?" He then asked, his eyes flashing around my face.

All I did was nod profusely as I tried to breathe. Oli then carefully pulled me into a hug and gently caressed my back. It took a moment, but I felt myself gradually starting to calm down. "You're going to be okay, just try to breathe." He whispered, slowly circling my back with his hand.

I leaned my head on his shoulder, feeling my heart rate slowing down as the minutes passed. "Tha-thank you." I stuttered, still panting lightly.

Oli then pulled away from the hug and looked at me, smiling. "Are you feeling a little better now?" He asked.

I nodded slowly, grateful that he was there.

I took a few slow and deep breaths as I wiped my tears away. I felt so silly being like this in front of him. Yet somehow he managed to help me calm down. Not many people were capable of doing that.

Oli watched me for a moment while I calmed myself down completely, and then planted a soft kiss on my forehead, my breath catching in my throat when he did that.

He stayed close as he pulled his lips back from my forehead and smiled again. We locked eyes for a moment, and I couldn't help but to smile back. His distinct hazel colored eyes shined, the moonlight that peeked through the blinds lighting them up. A few seconds passed by as Oli then closed his eyes and leaned in, carefully pressing his lips onto mine.

I blinked a few times, not expecting that this would happen. But at the same time, I couldn't deny that it felt nice. Oli wasn't like Danny or Matty. . . and definitely not like Jake. Oli was different, and I liked it. I liked him.

Finally, I closed my eyes and kissed him back. I felt him smile lightly as his hand reached up and cupped my face. After a few seconds, Oli leaned in closer to me and parted his lips, his warm breath giving me goose bumps. He was begging me for entrance. . . but I couldn't give it. I just couldn't do it.

I touched his cheek apologetically and turned my face away from him. "I'm sorry." Oli then whispered. "I'm moving too fast."

"It's not that." I whispered, looking back into his eyes, not really knowing what to tell him. But it wasn't him. . . it definitely wasn't him. It was all me. "It's just that- well. . . I'm messed up, Oli." I then finally admitted. "I have problems, and everywhere I go, they follow me. . . and I. . . I don't want to drag you down there with me."

Oli caressed my cheek with his thumb, taking in every word that I said as he searched my eyes for truth. "I really like you, Kellin. I'm pretty sure I want to be with you, actually." He then admitted with a soft chuckle. "And those supposed problems you say you have, well they are a part of you. . . and I'll deal with all of it, if you'll let me."

"You're crazy." I muttered as I laughed softly.

"No, just a little in love I think." He blurted out as he laughed too.

I then realized that he was being dead serious, and it kind of scared me. Even if I did like him, which believe me I did, all I was going to end up doing was ruin his life. Yet he was willing to take the risk. Why?

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