6: Fix Me Up

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I was falling in and out of consciousness as I felt my body being moved. Two arms picked me up and carried me, but I couldn't see whom it was or where they were taking me.

I couldn't focus on anything but the cool breeze that hit my face. And then I realized I was outside. "What are you going to do?" A voice then asked from a slight distance.

"I'm taking him to his sister." The person holding me replied, sounding dark and raspy, harshness and anger filling his voice.

Shortly after that, I felt my body being put down onto something cold and leathery. In my mind I was fighting to sit up, but my body still refused. And once again I lost consciousness.

I was ashamed of myself for what had happened. I trusted Jake so easily even though I barely knew him, and then he did this to me. Was I really that easily manipulated? A vision of Matty's disgusting grin flashed before my eyes. Was I that easy of a target?

"Hey are you awake?" A voice then asked, bringing me back to the conscious world.

I managed to open my eyes just a little, looking over to find a tall figure with a messy short hair staring down at me. The bright light behind his head made me unable to see who it was. I tried so desperately to answer but my lips and throat were all dried out.

"Are you sure we shouldn't take him to the hospital?" The same voice asked, turning back to the other person beside him.

"The only person who needs a hospital right now is the fucker who did this." He snarled angrily, keeping his focus in front of him.

Everything was still spinning around me. And even though I was lying on a flat surface, it felt like I was moving. I squeezed my eyes shut in pure agony, feeling worse than I ever had before. I felt sick and disgusting. I tried to fight it, but eventually I lost consciousness again. What had Jake given me to make me feel this fucked up?

"What the hell is this?" A third voice then asked, once again bringing me back to consciousness. "Is he okay?"

I felt the same arms as before holding me up and carrying me into a warm area. "I'm pretty sure he's been roofied." He explained as he put me down onto something soft. "He'll be okay, but I didn't think that it was a good idea to bring him to your parents, and I don't really have the time to take care of him."

"Yeah- no, you're right. Thanks for bringing him here." The third voice whispered, worry washing over her voice.

"Look... I don't know how to tell you this, but I think he's been hanging around with some really bad people. I mean, I don't know the story, but from my point of view, he was being raped back there." The one that had carried me explained in a whisper, his voice exposing pity and sadness.

"Mom had dropped something about him not doing well." The third voice admitted. "I never would've thought it was this bad though."

All three exchanged sighs of worry and disappointment. And then it went silent. Still I tried to fight and move, but somehow I was still unable to. I felt so stupid, disgusting and embarrassed. I just wanted to disappear forever.

Suddenly I then felt a hand go through my hair. "Please get some help... before it's too late." The familiar voice pleaded. I knew then that I was in a safe place. I gave up the fight to stay awake and drifted off into a deep sleep. The words echoed in my mind...

Please get some help.

When I woke up again I could finally manage to move my body. My legs and my back felt sore- let's not even mention how my ass felt- and my head was throbbing beyond control. But at least I could move again. It took me a few minutes to adjust to the sunlight. I scanned around the room that I was in, and recognized it to be my sister's guest bedroom.

I winced as I rolled over, feeling my stomach churn. The realization of what happened the night before made me feel even sicker. I blamed myself for all of it. And I hated myself for getting other people involved too. Though I had no idea what exactly had taken place, I did have a vague idea.

I pulled myself up onto my feet and went into the living room, where my sister Tay was sitting on the couch, drinking coffee. "Hey." I whispered, a vague hoarse noise leaving my throat rather than a clear greeting.

She looked up and watched me as I sat down beside her. "How are you feeling?" She then asked as soon as I had taken my place.

"Okay, I guess." I muttered, obviously lying.

"Do you remember what happened?" I shook my head, remembering half of what happened at the bar, but not how I got here. "Vic and Oliver brought you here at like two in the morning, Kell. You were really fucked up." She told me with concern lacing her voice.

Wait... Did she say that Vic and Oli brought me here?

The words then flashed through my memory 'I'm taking him to his sister' and finally I was able to tie the voice to a face. It had in fact been Vic who carried me back here.

Tay then sighed deeply and continued. "They said you probably got roofied. Vic picked up on something and found you in the bathroom with-"

"Jake." I finished with a disgusted snarl.

"Right." Tay confirmed. "Apparently he beat Jake up pretty good. Matty too. But Kell... how did it ever get this bad? How did you end up like this?"

Tears welled up in my eyes. "You mean, how did I end up like you?" I whispered, my voice cracking at every word.

"I quit doing that shit a long time ago, Kell." Tay then interrupted me without emotion. "And I never needed anyone to drag me out of a fucking bathroom because I was too wasted and high to know what I was doing." She snarled.

I buried my face into my hands and cried, feeling worse and worse by the second. "You don't know what it's like, Tay." I then blurted out. "Dad never hit you! He never locked you up in the basement for days without food or water! You never had to watch mom sit there and do absolutely nothing!"

Tay frowned apologetically and pulled me into a tight hug. "You're right, I didn't. I'm sorry. From now on you're going to live with me, okay little brother? We'll fix you up."

I nodded slowly and hugged her back, tears still rolling down my cheeks. "Thank you."

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