36: That Son of a Mexican

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When I woke up again I felt so strange. Memories flashed before my eyes in my unconscious state, and I had no idea anymore what parts of them had been a dream and what parts were real.

It was all scrambled and so confusing.

I groaned and winced in pain, feeling a wet cloth carefully being dabbed on my head. Finally, I opened my eyes. It took about a minute for my eyes to adjust and my vision to become less blurry. . . and when it finally did, I was faced with Oli's concern-filled smile.

"Good to have you back." He whispered, relief dancing in his familiar hazel eyes.

"Wh-what happened?" I muttered, propping myself up on my elbows in an attempt to sit up.

"Be careful." Oli urged, putting a pillow up behind my back. "You hit your head pretty hard, Kell. I called your boss to tell him you can't work for a while, you need to rest."

"Okay." I breathed softly, not really wanting to argue the whole thing since I did feel pretty messed up. My head was pounding and I felt a vague sickness in my stomach.

Oli smiled and handed me a glass of water. I took a big gulp and then sighed, closing my eyes for a second.

A phone started buzzing, and I could feel the weight of the bed shifting as Oli got up and walked away before he answered the call.

"I can't really talk right now . . . Yes, he's here . . . No, he's fine, he just hit his head . . . Vic, that's not even funny . . . No, I have no idea if he remembers anything. I'm guessing not . . . Alright, sure, bye."

My eyes shot open when my brain finally made the connection. Was that Vic calling Oli to ask about me? Did Vic tell Oli to keep an eye on me while I was out here? No, that's not like Vic, he wouldn't do that. Fuck, this really made no sense at all!

And then my head started to hurt all over again. I groaned loudly, my head pounding harder than ever before. I tangled my fingers through my hair, begging whatever silently to make it stop.

"Kell, what's wrong? Talk to me, please, Kell." Oli urged as he rushed back to me. He climbed on top of the bed and carefully placed a hand on my shoulder. "Talk to me." He repeated calmly, before he then caressed my cheek with his free hand.

Flashes, bits and pieces of what I assumed to be memories danced before my eyes. Memories of Oli. . . moments that we hung out at Warped Tour. . . the first time he kissed me in his bus. . . the time we sat outside in a playground in the piss-pouring rain. . . and finally, the memory of the night I overdosed.

I stared at Oli with pure disbelief while my headache slowly faded. "Oli. . ." I whispered, suddenly remembering everything. I remembered every little detail, every feeling that I felt. All the way from the happy moments with Oli, the highs, the lows, and down to the deepest and darkest moments of my depression.

"What? What is it?" Oli asked me, obvious worry in his voice.

"You knew." I accused him, tears bursting from my eyes. "You fucking knew and you didn't tell me!" I then yelled.

"Kellin, what are you talking about?"

"Don't give me that bullshit, Oliver Scott Sykes!" I barked angrily. "This entire time you've known. . . and yet you pretended not to know me! You didn't tell me a thing!"

And even through my fit of anger, Oli smiled for some reason. Hope glistened in his eyes as the beautiful smile that I remembered as clear as day spread across his face. "You remember." He said, like the weight of the world had just been lifted off his shoulders.

"Yes, I fucking remember! Damnit, Oli!" I pushed him away from me and scrambled to get off the bed, my equilibrium faltering momentarily.

"Please, love, let me explain." Oli stressed desperately, reaching out to grab my hand.

His touch had me stopping dead in my tracks this time, causing me to give in almost instantly. I wanted to know what his excuse was, and deep down, I didn't really want to leave either.

"Do you remember when Vic visited you the first time in rehab?" He then began as I slowly sat back down beside him on the edge of the bed. I nodded in response. "Well, I was there, too. Vic had picked me up to come see you, but then. . . he told me you didn't remember me. The things that happened to you since that night in the club were blocked from your mind, like a way to protect yourself. That's what I was told, anyways. And you had to remember for yourself, otherwise it might've been too overwhelming. We didn't want to risk you falling back into your old habits after making so much progress. . . I'm sorry, Kell. You have no idea how much it hurt me that I couldn't tell you."

I sighed deeply. I did kinda understand why they had done it, but still, I wish they would've just told me. Why the fuck did my mind want to protect me from the one thing in this world that I loved?

Yeah, I knew that now. Remembering all those things, I was sure that I had loved Oli all along. I was just too afraid to really see it. But I was a different person now, I wasn't afraid anymore. I was kinda pissed, though.

"So, that's why Vic was so encouraging when I told him that I wanted to come here." I murmured softly, finally starting to piece the plan together. "And bumping into you that day wasn't a coincidence, was it?" I then asked, looking up at Oli.

"It was, actually." He admitted truthfully. "I had no idea that you were coming to London until -ironically enough- Vic called me right after I saw you."

"That little son a Mexican, he had this whole damn thing planned out." I breathed, not being able to hold my laughter at the end.

Oli chuckled, but I could still sense the worry in his voice. "Yeah, he pretty much did."

I then frowned, narrowing my eyes as I looked at Oli once more. "Why did he call you just now?" I questioned.

He chuckled rather nervously at that. "He is planning on coming over and he knows I've been seeing you, so. . . so every now and then he asks me how you're doing, since he doesn't want to come across as a worried parent by calling you all the time."

I rolled my eyes. That did actually sound like Vic. "Well, when he does come over, let's surprise him." I suggested, smirking lightly. Oli gave me a confused look. "Don't tell him I remember."

His confusion grew, but then he just laughed and nodded. "I don't know what you're playing at, but fine."

I smiled, watching him laugh for a moment. I was kinda pissed at Vic for not telling me, but at the same time, I was so grateful for that stupid Mexican midget. He held hope that I would remember one day, and when I did, I'd be with Oli. That was his plan, and boy did it work.

"Hey, Oli. . ." I started after his laughter had died down and it became quiet between us. He looked at me questioningly. "I love you." I then finally told him, for the first time ever.

"You have no idea how long I've waited to hear you say that." Oli breathed happily. "I love you too, Kell." He added, pressing his lips to mine for a deep kiss.

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