19: A Love Like Theirs

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Slowly, I woke up to the warmth of a blanket around my body, and the smell of toast, fried eggs and bacon. I sat up straight and yawned, the blanket that covered me falling to the ground as I stretched my arms.

My back cracked in several places as I stood up. "Goddamn couch." I muttered in pain. Again I yawned and then followed my nose into the kitchen, where Oli was cooking breakfast.

I frowned in confusion. He had never cooked breakfast before. "Morning." I then whispered during yet another yawn as I sat down on the barstool at the kitchen island.

Oli turned around and smiled. "Good morning, love." He said as he walked to the coffee machine and poured me a cup. "So tell me, how did you end up on the couch last night?" He then asked with an amused tone to his voice.

I nabbed the cup of coffee from his hands and put it straight to my mouth, aching for the caffeine. "I couldn't sleep." I shrugged after taking a few big gulps.

"Oh. . . did our events keep you awake?" He smirked at me and winked smugly. You could say that. But not in the way he thought it did. "I slept like a baby."

We then both ate our breakfast in silence. It tasted pretty good to be honest, but who could fuck up eggs and bacon anyway? It wasn't rocket science. Then again, neither was sex.

Mentally I slapped myself in the face for making that comment. It wasn't him. . . it was me, I reminded myself.

Shortly after breakfast, Oli left since he was meeting up with Vic or something like that. I decided to rummage around the house a bit, and cleaned whatever needed to be cleaned to keep my mind off the night before.

Later that day, my phone rang. It was Jaime.

"Hey there Hime-time." I started as I answered the call. "What's up?"

"Tell me all about it!" Jaime exclaimed with an insane giggle. Wait, he was giggling?

"Um, tell you what exactly?" I asked, slightly confused.

"Well, a little birdy called Vic told me that another little birdy called Oli said that you two finally had sex last night."

I rolled my eyes and sighed. "Oh." Was all I could really manage to say.

"So tell me! From what Vic told me it sounded pret-ty amazing." He then sang all too excitedly. I hated to break it to him, but just because one half of it had a good time, didn't mean that the other half did too.

"Well it. . . it was okay." I muttered, not really wanting to talk about it.

"Just okay?" Jaime then asked, completely baffled. "Why just okay?"

"He didn't. . . exactly. . . you know." I felt so awkward having to admit this to anyone.

"Ooh." He exclaimed, already understanding what I meant. "I get it; he couldn't find your good spot, huh?" I shut my eyes and wrinkled my nose at his words. "But that's okay, Kell! It happens. Vic couldn't manage it the first time either." He then told me in a reassuring tone.

Honestly, he didn't need to know it, but no one had actually ever managed it before.

"Wait, Vic tops?" I then asked, completely surprised by what I just heard.

"We switch sometimes, but mostly it's me, though." Oh.

"Oh you know that's a lie!" I heard Vic yelling randomly in the background. And I couldn't help but to giggle a little as I buried my face into the palm of my hand. "You know I gave you the best orgasm of your goddamn life that night and you loved it, spikey."

"He didn't." Jaime whispered into the phone and then laughed too.

Lord what I wouldn't give for a love like theirs; they were so perfect together.

"Please don't tell Oli, though." I practically begged Jaime after a moment of silence.

"Don't worry Kell, I won't. And I'll make sure that Vic will keep his trap shut too. I promise."

"Keep my trap shut about what?" I then heard Vic yell again.

"Nothing baby, just keep doing what you're doing."

"I heard my name, I deserve to know what you're talking about." I laughed softly at Vic's insulted behavior. All these years, and he never changed one bit.

Suddenly I heard Jaime giggling like crazy. "Get the fuck off me!" He yelled through his fit of laughter. "I'm sorry Kell, I gotta go. Vic's being an ass and he needs some spanking. Talk to you later, okay? Love you."

I rolled my eyes and laughed softly. "Okay. Love you too."

"Love you, Kells!" I then heard Vic yell into the phone with a chuckle.

"Yeah, you too Victor, bye now." I clicked the call away and smiled. I really did love the two of them. They were great friends and an even greater couple. Vic had gotten himself pretty lucky. Way luckier than if he would've been with me, that's for sure. Jaime was amazing. They deserved each other.

I hoped that someday I would experience the same kind of love that they shared. I had Oli, but I simply wasn't sure if he was the one I'd spend my future with. But I wasn't going to give up just yet. I was simply going to have to try a little harder to see if he was indeed the one.

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