3: Little Orange Piece of Heaven

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Days went by and I had locked myself up in my bedroom. I had called in sick from work and just spent the time in bed, popping my medication and feeling more miserable by the minute. I did drink lots of water, but I didn't eat. I just couldn't manage to keep anything down at this point.

I had spammed Matty's inbox with messages and calls, but for days he ignored me. Until one day he finally messaged me. 'Sorry babe, my pone was broken...' same lame excuse every single time. 'Wanna meet up tonight? I got some good stuff...'

And this was exactly where my problem was. I felt so fucked up about everything, that I would give literally anything for all of that to go away, even if it was just for a little bit. I needed that stuff to make me feel better. It was the only thing that could help me.

So after dark, I snuck out of the house and went to the park that Matty had told me to meet him at. I sat around on the bench, waiting for him to arrive, craving the feeling more and more with every minute that passed.

But Matty was a no-show and when I tried to call him, it went straight into voicemail.

I winced as I dragged myself back onto my feet and made my way to his house. My body hurt and it felt weak. My headache and sweatiness got worse because of the humidity outside and I just knew that I needed my fix, desperately.

I knocked on Matty's front door and waited until he opened up. "Hey babe!" He said excitedly, his body wobbling, already high on something.

I raised an eyebrow and stared at him for a moment, taking in how messed up he looked; his hair being everywhere and wearing nothing but socks and his boxers. "Don't hey babe me." I muttered as I walked in past him. "You were supposed to meet me at the park."

I parked my ass on his couch and waited for him to join. "Well I'm sorry, Princess." He muttered with a smirk as he sat down beside me. "I just wanted to test this shit out before I let you take it. Just to be sure." He then added as he waved a small bag in front of my face.

"Don't ever fucking call me that!" I spat at him, trying not to get too distracted by the orange colored broken up pills in the bag. But it was too late; they had caught my full attention. "What are they?" I then asked, snatching the bag from Matty's fingers and eyeing them curiously.

"A little bit of this... a little bit of that..." Matty murmured with a devilish grin.

"In other words, you have no fucking idea what's in them." I simply stated. I sighed and tossed the bag back at him, grabbing the bottle of Jack that stood opened up on the table. "You know I don't take shit if I don't know what's in it."

Matty wrapped an arm around me and pulled me close. "Relax, baby." He started. "You know my guy doesn't fuck around. He gives good stuff. Come on, join us."

I raised an eyebrow and looked up at him. "Us?" I repeated questioningly.

"Hey, Kellin." I then heard a voice say from the other side of the room. I looked up to find Matty's friend and bandmate Jake walk into the living room, making his way to the chair beside the couch. "I put Corey to bed." He announced. "I swear I think he was still too fucked up from the X we took this morning. Lightweights- they can't handle much." He muttered as he put his beer to his lips.

"Is that a challenge, Garland?" I grinned at him, knowing that I was quite the lightweight myself.

Both his brows rose as he stared at me, gulping down his beer. I took the bag from Matty's lap and took out 3 halves, downing them all with a big gulp of Jack. "Shit, your boyfriend is crazy, Matty." Jake then noted as he laughed a little. "You go, dude."

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