20: La La Love

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lord this book sucks so much, doesn't it? 😓


A good two months passed by. Finally, my music video was done; edited and ready to be released to the world. I was personally really satisfied with the results, and so was Jaime- since he had been there to help with the entire thing.

"Tell you what." Vic started as we all watched the video being uploaded onto the web. "If you can rake together about five or six good songs, and get 10.000 views on this video... I'm taking you on tour with the guys."

I snorted in disbelief. "Me on tour with Pierce The Veil? Please."

"No, Kell. . . I'm dead serious. You can hop along with us on the bus and then play nights in local venues and bars- get your music to the people, personally." 

"You're dead serious about this?" I asked him, still in complete disbelief.

Vic frowned and flashed a silly smile. "Um yeah, I believe I did just say that I was."

I stared at Vic, completely taken aback by his sudden suggestion. Of course I wasn't going to say no, but I just couldn't believe that he'd do something like that for me. It was pretty big to be honest.

"Well, what do you say?" Hope twinkled in his eyes.

"Yes!" I blurted out excitedly. "Yes, yes, yes!" I then repeated even more excited, as I flew my arms around his neck, grateful for what he'd done. . . or what he was willing to do anyways. "Thank you so much."

He chuckled and hugged me. "You're welcome. But remember, 10.000 views, okay? So I suggest you go get yourself out there and make sure you get those views. I'll help you out a little, but you've got to do some networking yourself."

I nodded profusely and smiled. "I will get right on it." I told him with pride.

"Ah, it's up!" Jaime then squealed as the bar on YouTube hit 100%. He then high-fived me and pulled me into a hug. I had to be really honest; I was pretty satisfied with how things were going as of that point.

I let go of Jaime and turned towards Oli. "Well, what do you think about all of this?" I asked him, smirking widely.

He smiled at me and let out a soft chuckle. "I'm really proud of you, love." He said as he came closer and pulled me up into a hug, making me wrap my arms and legs around him. "You deserve a special treat tonight." He then whispered into my ear, leaving a kiss behind on my cheek.

And I honestly wished he hadn't said that.

After a couple of well-deserved celebration drinks with the four of us, Oli and I went back to my place. "Hey, sis!" I happily greeted Tay all coolly as we walked in, hand-in-hand.

Tay then frowned as she looked at us and cleared her throat. "I watched your video." She simply started, sounding a bit dark and gloomy. "You honestly should not have done that."

"What are you talking about?" I questioned her.

"I'm talking about you and that guy in the video. That obviously wasn't Oliver over here." Tay stated sharply. "That was a bad move for your reputation, Kell."

I rolled my eyes and groaned. "Tay, Tay, Tay." I started with a deep sigh. "He was just some guy. . . we were acting you dipshit. Besides, the guy with Jaime wasn't Vic either."

"It's really not that big of a deal." Oli then told my sister in my defense.

"You should honestly think these things through a little more. It's very provoking." Tay then warned me. I rolled my eyes at her and started to walk towards my bedroom. I knew she was always going to fight me on this matter, but she would just have to deal with it. "Good night." She then yelled after me.

"Yeah, night, whatever." I murmured, slamming the door behind me.

Only seconds later, there was a knock.

"Um, can I come in?" It was Oli.

I busted out laughing and opened the door again. "Sorry. . . almost forgot that you were here too." I admitted apologetically.

Oli just shrugged it off and leaned in for a kiss. "Let's just forget about all of that." He whispered seductively as he placed his hands on my hips and moved us both towards the bed.

It had been a good day, so maybe this time things would be different. I definitely hoped it would be anyways.

As we made our way to the bed, both of us undid each other's pants, letting them drop to the ground and kicking them aside. Oli then sat down, pulling me onto him, making me straddle him and deepen the kiss.

He broke away for a second, pulling my shirt off over my head and then his own. "I lov—" But I then quickly cut him off by planting my lips on his again, letting my tongue dance around his. He grinned slightly into the kiss, moving over to lay me down beneath him as he took off my underwear and began prepping me.

After all of that was done, he rolled the condom onto his length, lubed it up and readied himself.

I smiled and roamed my hands around his chest as he sat up, positioning himself at my entrance. I prayed and prayed that this would be it; this would be the time that we'd both get something out of it.

Oli then pushed up my legs, holding my knees to his sides as he slid himself into me.

A few minutes into it, I realized that this wasn't going to work. I once again had to pretend to enjoy it, so that at least he would. Until suddenly, Oli seemed to change angles, lifting my ass up from the mattress as he thrust into me.

"Oh my god." I involuntarily moaned out as I felt a sudden wave of pleasure course through me.

Oli grinned and kept at it. "See, I knew that I was doing something wrong before." He then said, and I couldn't help but to smile. Mentally, this already felt so much better. . . let alone how it felt physically. Holy shit.

It felt absolutely amazing. Every second of it after that was like an explosion of fireworks inside my body. Suddenly I didn't feel so unsure anymore about my feelings for Oli and our relationship. It was as perfect as it could get.

But soon, he was going back to the UK to prepare for a tour, though. . . and I just wasn't sure how I was going to deal with that together with my usual problems. The idea of being alone again. . . it made me feel absolutely horrible.

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