7: The Band Whore

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A day or two went by that I often still felt sick and dizzy. I was slipping back into my usual depressed state and craved a fix like mad. I just seriously wanted to forget about what happened that night at the club. I still felt so disgusting. Tay had picked up my prescription medication for me at the drug store, but we all knew that wasn't going to fix me.

My addiction wouldn't let it fix me.

As per usual, no food would stay in my stomach. But at least the water that I drank would. I decided to sit down and use Tay's laptop to check my social media pages, just something to distract myself with, and grabbed yet another glass and a few Xanax pills. She was out at a recording studio, so I just tried to entertain myself while she was gone.

I scrolled around on the internet, and ended up passing some really disturbing looking headlines on my facebook's timeline.

'Pierce The Veil frontman involved in club fight'

'Pierce The Veil's Vic Fuentes beats two other band members in club'

'PTV frontman accuses MMF members of rape and abuse'

'Vic Fuentes of Pierce The Veil defends local band whore in bar fight'

"Band whore?!" I squealed as I read the last one. I clicked on the headline and ended up on Perez Hilton's blog. Honestly, most of what this guy wrote about was complete bullshit, but still, I was curious.

"Two nights ago at a local bar in downtown Los Angeles, Pierce The Veil frontman Vic Fuentes beat up Memphis May Fire frontman Matty Mullins and drummer Jake Garland, in defense of who he has claimed to be his high school best friend Kellin Bostwick. Locally known for his song 'Heartache Hotel' under the name 'Kellin Quinn' on YouTube- now updated his reputation to the local band whore, as confirmed by his past relationships with Gabe Barham, Alex Gaskarth, Matty Mullins and most recently Jake Garland. Fuentes has accused Garland of abusing and raping mister Bostwick, but has no proof to confirm his accusation. Singer Oli Sykes was also present, but refuses to say even a word about the fight. Mullins left the hospital the same night with a broken nose, Garland on the other hand had a few more serious injuries. Bostwick hasn't said anything yet about the accusations- in fact, he seems to practically have disappeared off the grid since the alleged event."

"Oh my god."

I read the rest of the article, which was mostly bashing both me for not putting in a statement and Vic for losing his shit. The comments below the article were even worse, stating how much of a horrible person Vic was... claiming how I was probably his band whore too... and I felt absolutely horrible for being the cause of this bullshit. The comments of the people who did defend us didn't even matter, because articles like this were all over the web.

And it was my fault.

Tears were streaming down my face when the realization hit me of what I had done to Vic; I had probably completely ruined his career. And I pretty much dragged his friend into it as well. And though I knew it wouldn't fix anything, I had to go and apologize to Vic. I just had to.

I threw on a hoodie, covering most of my face, hoping to not be recognized anywhere and took a cab to Vic's and Jaime's apartment. I took a deep breath and knocked on their front door.

In just a matter of seconds, Jaime opened the door, and I prepared myself for being yelled at. He probably hated my guts for doing this to the reputation of his boyfriend.

Oh god, what had I done?

But he didn't yell at me. Instead he hugged me tight and pulled me inside. "I'm so terribly sorry for what happened. . ." I then started, tears bursting from my eyes again. Jaime wildly shook his head as he led me into the living room. "You must hate me so much."

Jaime then faced me, making me look up at him. To my great surprise, a small sympathetic smile formed on his face. "I don't hate you, Kellin. Fuck what the media says." He stated with a reassuring tone. "Besides, this isn't the first time Vic's been accused of beating someone up, you know?" He added with a chuckle. "You're one of his oldest and best friends, of course he'll beat some guys up to protect you. It's not a big deal really."

Even with his kind words, I still felt horrible. Vic was going to get so much shit thrown at him for this.

It wasn't long before Vic then came into the living room as well. He spotted me and smiled with worry in his eyes. "Hey. . . how are you?" He asked me in a careful tone.

"Fine." I lied. "I'm so sorry for everything."

He shook his head and came over to hug me. "Don't apologize. The bastards who hurt you and wrote those articles are to blame. . . calling you a whore- damn it that really pisses me off."

"Bad luck in love doesn't make you a whore." Jaime then agreed as he hugged us both, turning it into a reassuring group hug.

"Thanks guys." I muttered, wiping away what was left of my tears. "I am really sorry though. You don't deserve this crap, and neither does your friend."

Vic shrugged and chuckled. "Eh- Jaime is right, this honestly isn't the first time." He admitted. "And Oli is fine, he always has my back."

I kind of had to laugh at how casual he was about it. But that was the Vic I remembered; once he got his anger out he just didn't give a shit anymore. It was like it never happened.

In all honesty though, I did not feel better about it at all. Not in the least. But my depression was partially to blame for that.

That and the fact that both Matty and Jake had been sending tweets talking about how much of a whore I was and claiming that I had cheated on Matty with numerous guys. Others had even joined in on their lies. It was ridiculous and the hate I got for it just felt awful.

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