5: Guy's a Total Creep

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there will be some nasty things in this chapter but I will add a warning when it starts. sorry.


It was very rarely that I dressed up, but this night I felt that it was appropriate. Though I was shaky and anxious, knowing that I was going to be around a bunch of strangers, I wasn't going to let it ruin my night. I was just going to have to take some more of my anxiety medication. Yeah, that's what I should do. I often went over my daily amount, but it just never seemed like it was enough if I kept to what was initially prescribed.

I slipped on a red fitted band shirt with short sleeves, a pair of black skinny jeans, some red Dr. Martens boots, slapped on some slightly tinted foundation to cover my horribly dead-white skin and tired eyes and then I was ready to go. I managed to avoid my parents as I left the house and casually made my way to the place that Jake told me to meet him at.

As I entered the club, relieved that no one at the door had asked for my ID, I scanned around the place, looking for Jake. "Hey, what are you doing here?" I heard someone ask, in an amused yet surprised tone.

I turned my head to find my old best friend Vic and his friend Oliver leaning up against the bar, smiling and sipping their beers. It had been a while since I had last seen them. They were on tour so often; and Oliver wasn't even from here. They hardly had time to hang. And why would they hang with someone like me anyway?

"Just... meeting a friend." I excused myself as I continued to scan for Jake.

"Still dating that Matty guy?" Oli then asked me curiously. Not even looking back at them, I shook my head. "Good. That guy's a total creep."

"Tell me about it." I murmured bitterly as I spotted Jake in the back of the club. I smiled to myself and waved at Vic and Oli absentmindedly. "Gotta go, nice seeing you." I told them as I walked off.

I made my way to Jake, him spotting me instantly as I walked over. "Nice to see you actually showed up." He noted with a slight grin. I just looked at him skeptically as he ordered us both a drink.

The drinks went in all too easily, as per usual, but chatting and dancing with Jake was fun. He seemed pretty laid back and even though the crowded bar made me extremely uncomfortable and anxious; he distracted me enough to keep me from losing my shit.

Only an hour or two had passed when I had already lost count as to how many drinks I'd had. "You'll never guess who's here too." Jake then suddenly pointed out, signaling for me to look over my shoulder.

And when I did, I spotted Matty not far away from us, leaning up against the wall with a bottle of beer between his lips. I rolled my eyes and looked at him for a moment. It seemed like he hadn't noticed us yet.

As I turned back to Jake, he had gotten us yet another drink, holding his hand over one of the glasses as he handed it to me. "Bottoms up." He grinned. I just smiled and downed the vodka, feeling it burn my throat instantly. "Oh... busted." Jake then sang below his breath.

"What? Did he see us?" I asked him, purposely not looking around.

Jake nodded. "And he looks pretty pissed too."

I snickered and put my empty glass on the table beside us. "He's probably just jealous." I concluded with a satisfied sigh.

"How about we give him something to be jealous about?" He then suggested with a playful smirk. Before I could even answer that, he pinned me up against the wall and started to kiss me fiercely. I laughed softly into the kiss and ran my hands through his hair as our tongues fought for dominance.

It wasn't long before I felt Jake's hand on my thigh and slip up to palm me through my jeans, making my eyes fly open. I then slowly pulled away and grinned. "Dude, we're in public, surrounded by people." I realized.

But Jake stayed silent. He moved his lips down to my neck and pushed me up against the wall a little harder. As he moved out of my eye line, I spotted Matty staring our way with a devilish grin. The look on his face made me really uncomfortable as Jake's hands roamed around my body. As I looked Matty's way, wondering why he was grinning so awfully, I started to feel a bit dizzy and nauseous.

The colors of my surroundings were starting to hurt my eyes and the room was moving left and right like a ship on water. "Jake, stop. I don't feel so good." I urged, trying to get myself out of his grasp.

He came back up to face me and frowned. "Are you alright?" He asked as he gently caressed my cheek. "Shall we go to the bathroom?"

I nodded, trying my hardest to focus on his face. But the more I tried to focus, the blurrier it all got. I winced slightly, feeling my head throb as I tried to make my way into the bathroom. My surroundings got shakier until everything was circling around me like crazy. What the heck was going on? Was this a withdrawal symptom I didn't know of? Were my anxiety pills working against me?

As I then went for the sink to drink some water, Jake suddenly grabbed me by the shoulder and pinned me up against one of the bathroom stalls. "Dude I told you, I'm not feeling good." I muttered as I grabbed onto my head, completely losing my focus.

Jake seemed to ignore me completely as he then attacked my lips again, sticking his tongue down my throat with force. What the fuck was wrong with this guy?! This wasn't the reason I wanted to go to the fucking bathroom!


okay this is where the nasty stuff goes down, so if you don't want to read it then here's what's happening: Kellin's basically getting råped by Jake. alright. I'm sorry. the little thingy above and below here will indicate when it's over.


One of his arms held me firmly against the bathroom stall, his other hand reached down and started undoing my pants, letting them drop to the ground in time with my boxers.

I turned my head and managed to end the forceful kiss. "Jake, stop!" I demanded, but he didn't listen. All he did was stare at me and make a shushing sound. I struggled but for some reason I couldn't move much of my arms or my legs. My muscles felt numbed and visions of black flashes covered my sight.

Without warning, Jake then turned me around, holding me against the wall with his elbow in my back. I heard a vague ripping noise and suddenly I felt something being forced inside of me. I screamed in pain- or at least I thought I did.

Jake's thrusts were violent and seriously painful. And I felt tears streaming down my face. In my mind I was struggling to break free, but my body wasn't reacting. He growled lowly as he was simply having his way with me. "Please stop." I practically begged him, noticing that even my voice was barely making a sound.


"Oh hell no, this is not happening!" I then vaguely heard another voice yell in anger. "Get the fuck off him right now!"

In a flash, the pressure from having Jake's body against mine left, and I felt myself slip to the tiled cold bathroom floor. I cried when I realized what had happened. I replayed the moment in my head when Jake handed me the drink with his hand hovering over it. Did he drug me?

In the background I heard some yelling and banging noises, but I was way too far beyond being able to focus.

A few minutes went by before someone then seemed to kneel down before me. At this point I was only barely awake. "Kellin, are you okay?" The person asked me, gently placing a finger underneath my chin to make me look up. I couldn't really find the strength to speak, so instead I tried to smile. It was over. And then everything went black before my eyes. 

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