Let the Hunger Games Begin!

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Harry's P.O.V.

I said my last goodbyes to Effie and Haymitch. Haymitch told us to stay live again, except more serious this time rather than a joke. We have gotten closer and now he looked quite sad for us. Effie was a pain but she just wanted things to go in order. We hugged and I left. I wished Katniss the best of luck and went our separate ways. I hope she stays safe...

I put on my clothes and drank water since my throat was dry. I was in a room alone with Portia, who seemed like she was about to cry. It's good to see that at least not all Capital citizens are cruel. There was a countdown and I hugged Portia. She wished me luck and I stepped into the glass dome. I was lifted into the air and landed on a field of grass. I looked at my surroundings as another countdown began.

I could practically hear my heart beat. I bet it was about to jump out of my chest. My palms were sweaty as panic filled my whole system. The Games are about to start. This is it. I turned to see Cedric, Krum, and Fleur not to far away from me. Clove was to my left while Foxface was at my right. Katniss was after Clove. There were a bunch of trees at one area, while a lake was at the opposite direction. In the middle of the field was the Cornucopia filled with many supplies. I decided that I should go for it since I was fast. "10....9....8....7.....6.....5...." The voice was booming and I got more nervous and scared. This is it....THis is it...."4....3....2..........1"

I ran for my dear life! I went towards the Cornucopia and got 2 backpacks- a yellow one and a blue one. I grabbed one of the swords and went straight to the trees. I climbed it and sat on a branch. I scanned the area to find my allies. I saw innocent kids stab each other and blood pour everywhere. It disgusted me and I felt really bad for them. They are forced to become murderers.

" 'Arry!" I searched to see where the source was from. Fleur was shouting my name below the tree I was on. "Up here." She looked up and was relieved to find me. I helped her get onto the branch next to me. Krum and Cedric soon ran towards us and we settled up in the trees. I opened my yellow backpack to find a first-aid kit that had bandages, wraps, pieces of clothes, and an ointment that cleans and heals. There were also 3 knives, and a spear that can be inserted in or pulled out to change the length. In my blue backpack, I got 2 medium sized water containers, 2 packets of dried fruits, a small packet of beef jerky, and a blanket. Fleur got one bag with contained 2 knives, ropes, 2 packets of dried fruits, and one water container. Krum got 2 swords, 3 knives, 1 packet of beef jerky, 1 packet of dried fruits, and a water container. Cedric had 2 knives, 1 packet of beef jerky, 1 packet of dried fruits, a water container, a mini tent, and a lighter.

Together, we got 10 knives, 3 swords, and 1 spear for defense. We had 6 packets of dried fruits, 3 packets of beef jerky, and 5 water containers for food. At lastly, we had 1 first-aid kit, a blanket, ropes, a mini tent, and a lighter for survival. Krum kept one of his swords and 3 knives. He gave the other sword to Cedric, who also had 2 knives. Fleur kept her 2 knives and I gave her my spear. I kept my sword and 3 knives. We all had weapons and decided to split the food.

We each kept our own water containers, 1 packet of dried fruits and 1 packet of beef jerky. I was going to share mine with Fleur since she didn't have any. We all agreed that we will only eat a small portion of our foods for energy, but still save it for emergencies. The extra 2 packets of dried fruits were going to be back-up storage food for the time when we all run out of our food. Two at a time would sleep inside the tent while the rope keeps it steady as the other two would be outside on watch with the blanket to keep warm.

After a while, we got hungry so we opened up the packets. We ate one stripe of beef jerky and two dried up fruits. By noon, the Gamemakers turned up the heat....Literally. It was like 105 degrees and we were sweating badly. Finally, Fleur and I decided that we would go to the lake to get water while Krum and Cedric watched the stuff. We took our weapons, along with every water container, and walked towards the lake. The Careers were there but Fleur said that they made a small alliance since she was suppose to be a part of their group.

We went up to them and Clove kept staring at me....acca awkward.... They wouldn't let us pass so I decided to join in the conversation. "What about a deal? I'll give you my sword if you allow my group to come by here time to time for water?" Cato thought that it was a good idea since he didn't have a sword. "What about you give Cato your sword and me a knife and you get to fill up your containers with water and I'll give you a bag of apples." We accepted Clove's offer and so we gave the weapons. She gave me the bag of apples with a wink...umm...and we filled up all 5 containers with cold fresh water.

Fleur and I took a long gulp and filled it up again. We walked back, but took the long way instead of the short-cut in case the Careers were watching. Krum and Cedric drank a huge gulp and we saved the rest of the water. We split one apple into four pieces using a knife and each took one. The juice was refreshing and helped my thirst to go away for a while. This was going to be a long Game...

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