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Stoplights on the road signalled for our vehicle to move and so it accelerated quickly in a little while. The ride to our destination took so long, it made my bum numb. Along the way, I was opening the present Roger gave and saw a black hair bow.

Roger always knew how fond I was with hair bows when I was a little kid but fate can always turn around and so the once princess-y and girly child back then became a boyish type of female. I clipped on the black bow anyway to add a little design on my not so descent hair that I left messy as it always is.

The different sights of Manchester amazed and entertained me while on the trip, it made me appreciate my hometown more and seeing the still busy streets is nice for me to see.

Thinking how everyone has their own lives soon came into my mind, it is weird to think of it but I sometimes question and wonder about everything. Wondering how that one guy standing beside a car or that other elderly couple has different lives and different stories to share made me curious and amazed how each and everyone of us experience and learn.

Life is indeed the best school you can go to, and the people around you either someone who has a good or bad influence to you is your teacher, some people can teach you what to do because it inspired you and some people can also teach you lessons by their own mistakes and it's amazing how we learn in different ways.

I snap out of my thoughts as soon as I saw the garden-like pathway with a big sign beside the trees surrounding around the place and at last, the vehicle stopped, engines were off and I fixed myself to look presentable in my reflection through the tinted windows of the limousine until the door surprise me as it was opened by Roger with a polite smile on his face that's always plastered.

Roger gave recognition to the black bow he gave to me as a present that is now clipped on my hair and complimented how it looked great on me as I said my thanks to him and stepped outside the limo while Roger waits and prepares his arm for me to hook on just like earlier.

I got out of the limo and did what I was supposed to do with the arm. We walk with our arms crossed and forgot about Matilda until she raced her way to the restaurant to greet Mr. Minami first than me and Roger, she is gripping her dress with such haggardness but we didn't mind her, she could do what she wants to do, it's not really our business.

A minute later, our feet stood in front of the entrance of the restaurant and we were greeted by hostess with their politeness and appeal, we were also greeted by the luxurious surroundings around me, the restaurant didn't look like a restaurant it looked more like a ball room but with tables.

People here weren't just another one you see typically, they were rich and wealthy with expensive and branded suits and dresses it made me rethink about Matilda's words saying that what I'm wearing is not appropriate at all, it was out of my league.

Roger tugged me and soon realised we were not moving, I nodded to indicate that I was ready to walk after a long analysis of the sight and he then lead me to a table where an old man with short stature stood there with his signature grin.

"Roger," the old man walked towards us and Roger let go of my arm and made his way to the man to shake hands and bow to each other as a tradition when greeting Mr. Minami, they had a small talk and Mr. Minami's eyes landed on me who left a speaking Roger talking to the air. I got tensed and nervously smiled.

"Little Victoria, happy birthday!" He greeted with such dullness in his voice and I thanked him in reply. I bowed in front of him and greeted a good evening in Japanese, he must be feeling homesick with all the english-speaking people he's surrounded everyday and I felt the need to get it out of my mouth, I'm not great at speaking that language though I know some basics because Roger taught me and trained me to greet Mr. Minami with the foreign words.

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