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The weekend passed quickly, almost quick that I have barely felt the Sunday pass. It was a start of a new week, the last week of the month, and it's almost a month since Niall saw me in the bench, cold and half alive and took me in his flat to stay for the night but turns out that I have stayed for three weeks.

My eyes were barely open and I was barely awake but I know the weekend rain has come to an end when I heard the chirps and singings of the little birds outside and not a sound of raindrops were audible. As my eyes open, I quickly pushed the bed down to have force to get up but it was useless when I surprisingly saw the elongated white pillow between Niall's side and my side, crushed in between Niall and I's embrace. I was too sleepy to freak out so I just stared in shock and observed. His hands were locked on my waist and I can feel his breath, and I guess he feels my breath slap on his face too because of how close our distance was, our bodies would have probably touched if the pillow wasn't in between us. My heart was pounding in my chest, should I creep out and slap him until he wakes up to make him realise and feel nothing but guilt throughout the day or should I just sneakily get out of his arms and don't mention about this since it would just bring an awkward atmosphere for the both of us. I did the second option and so I carefully lifted his arms and took it away from my waist that is until he moved and slightly got awoke so I was expecting for him to open his eyes but much for my disappointment, he didn't opened his eyes, just moved and it turns out he even made the embrace tighter, his hands managed to be back on where it was left and now I could definitely feel his breath, if it was possible, I could have heard his heartbeat as well. I didn't moved nor flinched for awhile because I'll end up waking him up if I keep on moving him, I waited for awhile before I do it again. I did a weird thing while waiting, I sang some nursery rhymes on my head to let time fly but as I finished singing the Barney song, I know it was time to do it again but I ended up mesmerising Niall's face, it took me awhile... No! Not awhile, 3 weeks before I realise this. I was sleeping on the same bed for 3 weeks with a handsome guy.

I know it's been 3 weeks but I have only noticed it until now and I didn't even knew why. Now I'm here, creepily gazing at him because I just can't seem to look away, he's handsome. It seems like I can look at him forever. He isn't the handsomest I know, he's also not that perfect with the looks but I guess those flaws and imperfections is what makes him attractive. My heartbeats were unstoppable, I don't know if it's because of the lack of space or being overwhelmed to be face to face with a handsome boy.

His eyes slowly opened, he is probably confused as to why a creepy lady is gazing at him, first thing in the morning. Our eyes locked and I'm not sure if Niall's really awake with his senses or not because he doesn't even mind doing anything nor flinching away, that is until that moment comes and his eyes widen and I felt his arms leave my body and gave distance between us, it allowed me to breathe evenly, he suddenly turned to the opposite side then sat right up in the bed. I remained as to where I am but got up and sat at the bed too. I hugged my legs and put my chin on my knees, I did not knew what was happening to me nor what I am feeling. Niall's embrace was so warm and cozy like a fireplace as I may say, I felt like I was safe at some point, it's like nothing can ever harm me with him right beside me but now that it's ended, all that I can do now is to imagine and relieve the feeling, it leaves me with goosebumps all over my body just thinking of it.

"Hey," Niall's voice called out, I turned to his direction and his face was gloomy, I guess he might have felt guilty. One time he told me how he observed that I wasn't comfortable with him hugging me, like that time when we made peace with each other when we argued and noticed how I wanted to get our of the hug and maybe that's the reason why he looks a little gloomy. "I- I didn't mean to and didn't knew that I-"

"No, it's fine, I understand" I reassured him with a smile. He brushed his hands on his hair and scratched the back of his neck as if he wasn't contented with his explanation.

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