Twenty Five

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Liam laughed out loud while everyone just gave him a disgusted look for ruining their peaceful coffee time, I also gave him a disgusted look because just seeing his face makes me disgusted, I'm still annoyed at Liam for unknown reason even though we have gotten along with each other the other day. But even if he's annoying as hell, he's still a customer right now and so since Marian and Alice are busy, I'm the one left to assist him, I sighed deeply and walked towards him.

"Welcome to Cup of Cafe, have a seat, please." I greeted with a monotone voice, Liam stopped laughing and looked up to see my face and his eyes twinkled like a child who just seen some delicious ice cream.

"Awww, how have you been? It's been awhile you know, I know you missed me, Victo-" before he can even say my real name, I stomped him on his foot just like how I always do and he let out a loud whine, I widen my eyes at him and I hope he can get the message that I'm trying to say with my eyes, we're inside the cafe and no one is supposed to be calling me by my real name and he got the message when he continued on with his statement. "I mean... Maid Mahamari,"

"Why would I even miss the jerk who harassed me?" I rolled my eyes at him and turned around then signalled him to follow me so I can take him to his table, I lead him to a table near the mini stage of the cafe where the band assembled when they were practicing for their performance.

"Aww, I thought it was all in the past now? I thought we're actually friends now, don't you remember the time that we got along and actually had a conversation?" Liam questioned but I just ignored him and continued to search the notepad on the pocket of my maid uniform that I'm currently wearing right now.

"Your order?" I asked him.

"Err... I miss Harry's blueberry tarts, so maybe I'll order some, three pieces of it and then I'll have some milk tea for the drinks." I wrote his orders down even if it can be memorised just by hearing it once, but I just don't want to look at him awkwardly while he says his orders. I closed my notepad and went to the counter where all the sweet delicacies were placed, I grabbed a plate and put it on a tray then started to get the tarts, then headed to get the milk tea and after that, I went to Liam's table to serve. Liam looks very delighted when I took his orders down on his table and he immediately grabbed the fork and stabbed his tart so he can eat it already, I'm glad that he didn't even bother to talk to me again and that made me walk away from him but then suddenly he called my maid name once again and I turned to look at him as he eats his food, I approached him once again thinking that he might have some concerns with regards to the food so I can immediately take action.

"I forgot to know the answer as to why were you at the police station the other day, I talked to my uncle and asked if your name rings a bell but he doesn't seem to know your name and it's odd because he always has the list of names of the people who go there and surprisingly, he doesn't know you." When Liam finished telling me those words, it's like my whole body began to feel warm and tingly and like no one around us exists, only Liam and I. My heart is palpitating, almost ripping out my ribcage and I got really nervous that caused my forehead to get warm and I'm afraid that Liam might notice the sweat forming on my forehead, even though he's dumb, it's not hard to suspect someone keeping a secret if they start to seem nervous with your words. I clenched my fists and then realised that I have been speechless for a long moment, it's not that hard to tell an answer if you're not coming up with lies and if you really are telling the truth. Lying has always been my weakness, and I can't lie on the spot but I need to come up with an answer as soon as possible.

"I... I uhh-" I clenched my fists even tighter, I can't seem to blurt out a word without stuttering and it's not gonna help because I'll be more suspicious. The reason why I don't want anyone to know that I reported the case of my robbery is because I was using my fake identity to the police's and if they ever know what I've been doing, it'll just leave to a lot of confusion and nothing will make sense if they even try to put the puzzle pieces together which will only make them conclude that I'm faking my identity all along and that'll be the start of the downfall of my mission. Liam raised his brows at me while he eats his tart, it's really suspicious if I were to ask someone and see them react this way so it's no different if another person asks me a question and reacts this way. I feel a lump in my throat forming and it's causing me, not only be able to speak but also to not be able to breathe evenly. I know I'm making a way to get back to my mission but I also feel like I'm being careless and reckless about it.

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