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"And there..." I told the officers to pause the tape to see the footage of the crime scene. I was once again here in the police station since they have asked me to come back today to see the improvements of their investigations. Luckily, they had one step forward when the tape of the crime scene has been retrieved, I saw how the thieves were just following me along the way until they had the chance to snatch everything from me since I wasn't paying attention to any of my belongings because I was talking on the phone. It was all they got for now but it was very helpful for our case, they would look into their old cases if by any chance would help them to find the thieves. They didn't want me to come back again tomorrow just to know how the case was being handled so they handed me the hotline of their station, I thanked and left the station afterwards.

Irish was along with me too, he was behaving very well compared to yesterday or I guess I just handled him well today than yesterday. I decided to drop by the music shop just to chat, it was quite boring to stay inside Niall's flat all day, just watching the television so it's a good idea to come by at the music shop.

I turned to the direction where the shop was and as I was walking on the side walk, I saw Minalinsky on the other side, wearing the same maid uniform she had yesterday, she was advertising the cafe to the passersby and being all cute and charming with her signature winks and plastic smile. Though I didn't expect her to even look until her eyes landed on mine, we stared at each other but I continued to walk, we were both waiting on who's gonna look away first but it turns out to be her when a passerby talked to her, I rolled my eyes away and I made it in front of the staircase. I hesitated for awhile and thought of how suspicious Minalinsky is, I really feel something about her, it's neither good mor bad but I want to think of it as a bad feeling, there's something mysterious about her and I don't know what it is, it's driving me a bit crazy. I shook my thoughts and just took a step on the staircase while Irish follows along, we made it to the door and knocked before I opened it, Irish went inside first until I let go of his leash knowing that he'd approach Niall.

I stepped inside and the first person I saw was Louis with a smile.

"Welcome to MezzoForte!" He greeted just like what he did yesterday, I looked around my surroundings since I didn't quite paid attention to it yesterday and saw the different varieties of instruments. They probably had every kind of instrument here. I saw Niall sitting, rubbing Irish's tummy with his foot as he's having guitar lessons to his clients today. "That's quite rude of you to not greet me back though"

"Oh, hi Louis, just dropped by here in the shop, it's quite lonely to stay inside Niall's flat all day"

"Yeah, you're using that as an excuse to see me"

"Ugh, excuse you, why would I want to see you?"

"Maybe because you fancy me?" His eyebrows raised indicating that he's stating a statement at the same time seeking the answer to his statement. I pushed him slightly and punched him on the chest, maybe he'll take that as a sign that I definitely do not fancy him. My eyes wandered again and I saw a blonde girl with pink highlights at the end of her hair, she was wearing it in a pigtails unlike yesterday leaving it down, her bright mint eye shadow surrounds both of her eyes making her look sort of like a panda and her lips were pure orange this time, I also didn't noticed it until now that she had a nose piercing. I guess Louis might have saw her too when he called out her name.

"Hey Divina, look who we have as company" Divina looked up when she was just about to approach her drum then suddenly walked towards us with a slight grin.

"Hey Victoria"

"Hey!" I said. Divina and I were on good terms yesterday, it was the first time I clicked with a girl and I couldn't be more thankful, she wasn't all that girly nor that boyish, her personality can't be put into words but all I know is that she's awesome and cool, I guess she's a girl version of Zayn. Divina pulled me into a hug but I noticed that it's not that hug Niall gave me the last time, it's more like a hug Zayn and I used to do so I quickly pulled away to correct the way I'll hug her, it's quite refreshing to see someone so similar to my boy best friend. Divina and I immediately got close with each other when Louis mentioned his fond of cute girls, we both scoffed in disgust until we finally knew how similar we were.

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