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I sighed as I was forced to exit the cafe with a tray on my hand, containing some pastries and cake and a hot coffee to serve Niall. Though with all those customer frenzy going on inside the cafe, Louis convinced and asked permission to Mr. Styles and he managed to get his request granted when Mr. Styles allowed me to go and deliver the food to Niall, I couldn't deny since it was my boss who was now telling me to do it plus I don't want to act all stubborn especially that I got a promotion and after all, it is my job anyway and that's what I signed up for.

I was now about to cross the road to get to the other side where the music shop is located and I luckily passed through the road without getting hit by a car since people here are more fond of walking than using vehicles and I'm quite glad for that, at least they help on preserving the planet. I continued to make my way until I was now in front of the staircase and I carefully made my way upstairs to avoid falling from a step, I always hated walking upstairs with something on my hands since I dreamt of falling in a staircase while carrying a basket of laundry when I was a kid because on that dream Matilda was asking me to take it up for her, then I woke up very scared and scarred for life with my heartbeats beating fast, only to find out that hypnic jerk happened once again.

As I got nearer and nearer by the second, you can hear someone from the inside playing an acoustic guitar and as I took one last step to open the door, I stopped for awhile and listened to the song.

My heart is fluttering because
Of the thought that I'll see you today,
It makes me want to skip around
And dance all around, right away

It was the first time that I can hear Niall sing clearly, the other time I heard him was a little too vague for me to hear because of the rain drops and I could tell you that Niall's voice is indeed heaven, just by singing that small verse, my eyes widen and I almost forgot the weight of the tray resting on my arms but I needed some time to overwhelm myself with the beautiful sound that Niall makes, surely he would stop playing once I enter the shop.

My confidence is fading
The thought of you not liking me
But I need to be the one to greet you this morning

I was having so much fun by listening to Niall's voice but something seems a little bothering for me, the lyrics were quite girlish plus the tone of it adds up to the girly side. I realised that I was standing on the staircase for too long and it was making my legs go weak and so I knocked on the door and opened it right away and I was right when I knew that Niall would stop playing once I get in. I looked around the shop to find him, seated on where the instruments were placed and loads of papers flooding around him. We locked eyes for a moment but then it came to the point that it was awkward to hold it so we quickly broke it, I looked away and gazed my eyes around the guitars hanging from the wall but then resumed on looking to Niall.

"I... I brought you food by the way, Louis told me to do it" I said and headed to where he was and he arranged the papers on the table there so the tray would have a space to place on. I placed the tray there and took the foods out as well as the coffee and then hugged the tray then turned my back at him to go head down to the cafe.

"W... Wait!" He said and I turned around to see him scratching his neck. "Uhmm... Did you become a Legendary Maid? Because you're wea-"

"Yeah, it was just this morning, it was really unexpected and I didn't even thought that I would be promoted on the second day of being a maid" I said with a monotone voice then turn around again but Niall called out once again.

"Uhmm... Can you accompany me for awhile, it feels kinda lonely eating alone" he finally said. I know I have to leave soon because there's probably a lot of people on the shop now and I don't want to put all the work on Minalinsky and Alicia and I don't think Mr. Styles would be too happy as well and I'm pretty sure Louis and the twins would be back soon. "Please, it'll just take for a short time" he pleaded with those unbearable eyes to look at since it makes you question your conscience and all but nevertheless, I sighed and took a seat beside him and placed the tray on my lap while I look on the ground then suddenly look up to see him with such red cheeks as he takes a bite on one of the food that I brought him. "Congratulations on your promotion by the way, if you don't mind me asking, why did you became a Legendary Maid?"

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