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A/N in case you're wondering, the pictures above are themes of the chapter that I may add starting now on future published chapters.

There's nothing much better in life than a nice cup of coffee, a new book that I borrowed from my co worker, specifically Alice or Maid Alicia because apparently we got along too well this day when we chat about books with mystery as the genre, and light drops of rain outside, follow that up with my hot shower earlier and Niall's big jumper. The day is about to end and I can say how it was such a long day, a lot has happened, promotion, the Niall issue and Louis preaching about the moth and the lamp that I don't quite get why he was telling that to me but now that it's evening, we can now end the chapter and start a new one tomorrow.

I sighed as I took a sip of my coffee, I was craving for coffee the whole day since I've been drugged by the smell of it because I work on a coffee shop now then continued to read the book. I was reading one of those Sherlock Holmes book and it was getting more intense since they're investigating, well what can you expect if it's a fucking Sherlock Holmes book? Sometimes I just want to fight myself for being so stupid. In the middle of my reading, I heard the door creaked open to see Niall wearing pyjamas which I don't normally see.

"Hey, aren't you going to sleep?" He asked then I took my eyes away from the book and checked the broken alarm clock, Niall broke it earlier this morning because he threw it on the floor, it's cracked but still alive, I was shocked when I see that it was already 11pm, I mouthed an "oh my gosh" since I shouldn't be staying up this late.

"One more chapter!" I said and I heard Niall sigh, he slowly made his way to the other side of the bed then sat down beside me, I didn't gave him much notice any further and continued to read. I have no idea why but apparently, Holmes is drinking milk in this book, I'm starting to doubt if this is a real Sherlock Holmes book or just some of those parody ones but I continued to read on.

"Hey, what's that on your mug?" Niall asked, I took a hold of my mug and sipped the liquid.

"It's milk, want some?"

"C-can I?" I handed him the mug even if he doesn't approve of it, I'm sure he wants some because if he didn't he wouldn't have asked what was there. I was about to finish the chapter until Niall choked on the drink but managed to speak.

"This isn't milk, this is coffee!" He exclaimed and I just said an "oh", why is Niall even disturbing me when I'm here peacefully reading.

"I'm sorry, I got carried away because Sherlock Holmes was drinking milk"

"Sherlock Holmes? That's Arsene Lupin you're reading!" I hesitated reading the last word of the chapter and slowly took a peak on the book cover and to my disappointment, it was indeed an Arsene Lupin book and I was reading Herlock Sholmes wrong the whole time. I stared at the wall to reflect on the wrong doings that I have done and repented for being such an idiot.

"Let's go to sleep" I told Niall then closed the book and put out the night light off as Niall puts the mug of coffee that I was drinking earlier which is probably empty now, on his nightstand. "Night" I said and closed my eyes as I snuggle on the pillow that I always hug, starting tonight, I'm gonna try to maintain a steady position so that I won't bother Niall with my wild actions whenever I sleep and he wouldn't have to lock me in his embrace again, hopefully it'll work.

The rain was keeping me up because of how loud it was, maybe now's the right time I should think about the happenings and the progresses I made. I am starting to feel very comfortable in Ireland but that doesn't mean I have forgotten my true purpose on why I'm here, I'm making little steps at a time but I really am trying to recover and get back on track, tomorrow I'd stop by on the police station to see if they have anything new. The investigation would really be long so I need somewhere to stay at while I'm here, I am already staying at Niall's place but I don't want to bother him any much further since I believe that I've done enough to bother him but now that I have a job at the local coffee shop, once I get my salary, I'd be looking for some apartments around so I can move out, then when the police has retrieved my belongings, I'd resign on my job being a maid and the hardest part that I would be doing is... Cut off contacts with Niall and focus on my real job. As much as I don't want to cut off contacts with Niall but I have to, it's too dangerous if he's still updated on what's happening on my life and this is also for the sake of his safety, I know Mr. Minami and Sheryl would not approve of my newly found friend in Ireland and knowing that Niall knows my real name, it's more than dangerous that I thought it was. Even if I finish my first victim, I still would have to cut contacts with Niall and possibly, forget about him, I can't go on having a social life and making friends when my job is killing people, just imagine if you had a friend who murders.

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