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I found myself walking alongside with Louis as we got down the music shop. I was really tensed and uncomfortable just by walking, knowing that I was making a step towards the territory of the person I hate, it's like walking on the lobby towards Mr. Minami's office all over again but this time, I'm walking on a pedestrian lane towards to the cafe where Minalinsky works at.

While Niall is working upstairs, teaching his client for today, Louis offered and volunteered to take me here in "Cup of Cafe" to inquire if they are still looking for employees. I know I am in need of a job, but working here in this cafe... I don't really know if I'll do a great job, firstly because all of them are dressed in long maid uniforms and just imagining how hot it is on the bottom half of your body is just irritating, even if you say that it's cold in Ireland, I can only imagine my legs melting inside. Second, is because that I noticed all of them are acting super charismatic and cutesy on the customers and that's not something I am fond of doing, it's a shitty thing done by girls and I'm a boy born as a girl. Third and lastly, Minalinsky, I can't even stand looking at her, what more if I'm with her the whole day? Plus, I really have this feeling about her, she can either be a person that'll help me or a person that'll drag me to danger, I don't actually know, this aura always radiates whenever I see her, there's always something strange about her.

So here I am, stuck with Louis to inquire for an employment. Yes I'd admit, I'm not gonna like this job if ever I get accepted and I never wanted to go here in the first place, it's just that I feel bad if I reject Louis' offer, he's already helping me find a job so there's no reason to be choosey about it now.

"Try out our new special for today! It's only for a limited time" a masculine figure stood and advertised the shop, giving out flyers to the passersby just like what Minalinsky was doing the other day I saw her. He has a baker's uniform and even a baker's hat on top of his head, with an apron on his waist and yet here he is, outside the coffee shop and giving away flyers.

"What the fuck?!" Louis exclaimed and jumped in surprise, I also got surprised because of Louis' sudden actions. The man who was giving out flyers looked at Louis and raised a brow at him, then a smile slowly spread on his face as he handed out a flyer to Louis too.

"Good morning, Louis! We're now selling the cookies you said that sucked"

"Wrong idea, Styles. You're gonna drag your whole business down, and what the fuck are you doing outside? Shouldn't you be baking shit inside?" Louis asked the man. I am guessing that he is the manager of the coffee shop, he has marvellous green eyes and I can't quite see his hair since it is tucked inside his hat, but I'm guessing that he is a brunette because of the brown roots on his hair.

"Yeah, but we lost another maid today, Maid Fuchsia was being rude to the customers lately and I had no other choice but to fire her" he said with a melancholic tone. Seems to me that Cup of Cafe is losing their employees one by one like how the leaves in the trees are falling off this fall.

"So who's left inside?" Louis asked, looking serious but then grinning widely right after and I totally have no idea why, Louis is really strange.

"Well, it's a good thing I still have Maid Alicia and Maid Minalinsky"

"Oh Harold, you're leaving all the work to Legendary Maid Minalinsky? She's such a blessing to your bakery slash coffee shop, don't you ever think of firing Marian" Louis said and approached the man to put his arm on his shoulder as he leaned on him. Louis sounded odd when he said that statement and as much as I heard it right, I know there wasn't a "Marian" on the maids' list. The man just smiled at Louis until I realised that I was standing alone, looking really awkward which made me cleared my throat just to remind Louis of my existence. "Oh I forgot about you, Harold, this is Victoria by the way"

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