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A rain shower has now started when I first opened my eyes after a nap, its noise is heard throughout the whole bedroom but it's a noise that I can tell is soothing for me to hear. The sound of the drops of rain is like the glass with the half water inside it, you decide if it's half empty or half full, it's all a matter of perspective, if the drops of rain were noise or music to your ears. For me, it depends whatever my mood is, right now it's a very wonderful music tat delighted my ears once I gained consciousness
when I woke up, it's so gentle yet so heavy but it also yearns me to take a nap again but I have to stop taking naps, my mother taught me that I should not sleep and slack off every single while, we need to make something productive that'll be a step closer to what we want to be someday, but I was a very stubborn child, I guess she wouldn't be proud of me once she sees me slacking my butt off but nevertheless, I lived up to her word, I love to slack but I resist on doing that as best as I can.

The rain continued to pour but it's a good situation for us since we're not at the very top of the building, if we were then we won't be able to hear anything, not even a thought in our heads would be audible enough to hear. I stretched my limbs and headed to the door to check out on Niall who's in the living room but as soon as I heard another form of music, I stopped on my tracks and paused for awhile to hear the sound of a music box and a voice so gentle but loud enough for me to hear. A voice so pure and gentle like the breezy wind with the accompaniment of the music box plus the sound of the rain, I bet this is what heaven sounds like.

Hello, the music is calling me
Let's listen here, outside and hear how splendid it could be.

The voice sung the lyrics of the song but then hummed afterwards, it sounded like a lullaby, lulling me to sleep again, times like this I wish I didn't grew up with my mother's words so I wouldn't feel guilty when I take a rest.

The music box continued to produce music but the angelic voice earlier couldn't be heard anymore other than the hum, following the melody of the music until the music ended and the hum ended as well. I saw Niall putting down the box on the coffee table and closing it along with his eyes and his shoulders rose and let out a deep sigh. I haven't known his whole story about the moving on thing, but it must be really hard for him to sing again since he only remembers the past by doing it.

"Hey" I heard him call out, it was different now that I've known that he has a voice of an angel when he sings, hearing his speaking voice made me feel like something new happened. I stood there while his eyes continued to stare at me without even blinking, I started to get scared. "Did you just got out?" My heart raced and pounded really fast, Niall might react badly if I said that I have because he might not want me to hear him sing.

"Uhmm... Yeah, oh that nap was really helpful though" I stretched once again and moved from where I stood to get near him, trying to act natural since I know I'd fidget because of lying, I was never good at it. I saw him tuck the box inside the pocket of his sweater and rested his body on the couch as if he wasn't doing anything earlier. I sat right beside him and Irish followed a long with his signature waggling tail as he places himself in between me and Niall, his daddy pats his head and it was evident how the puppy loved being patted on the head. "If you don't mind me asking, why does Irish have an injured leg?" I pouted right after my sentence feeling a little sympathetic to the pup.

Niall picked him up from the floor and placed him on his lap and continued to rub his little body. "He got tumbled over by his siblings when they were still newborns and since he was the weakest pup, he broke his bone on the leg region and he's permanently sprained. No one wanted to adopt him since he's injured, and most people don't want to adopt an injured pup of course, so when I came to the animal shelter, there were only three pups left and the two others were most likely to be adopted because their much healthier than Irish who has a broken leg and very thin body but I chose him over the rest, but now, look at him and look at how much he made me happy. I think we're made for each other" he looked down on the ball of fur on his lap and caressed him, I was so touched by their story and it made me a little teary eyed.

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