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The first thing my eyes saw was a sleeping Niall, that same face like yesterday and I noticed that we were very close to each other again until I realised that his arms are wrapped around my waist again as the pillow between us got crushed, almost as if yesterday's scenario repeated, or maybe I just dreamt about yesterday and this is the real day or I don't even know.

As much as I liked the feeling of being inside his arms and his warm breath touching my skin, which makes it a little weird or strange, it's my second day being a maid and I don't want to be late and make a bad impression. I slowly lifted his arms from my waist and it was such luck that he wasn't moving nor realising that someone was moving him but all of a sudden, our alarm clock rang throughout the whole room and I guess Irish might have been alarmed that I heard him start to bark from the outside. Niall's eyes peeled open and he lifted his arms away from my body and searched for the ringing device, I saw him turn it off then throw it on the floor and I heard a little crash and I'm guessing that he might have broke the new alarm clock we bought yesterday, right before we bought it, he told me that he was never really fond of alarm clocks and he doesn't really mind going to work late nor early, and now I can really see his hatred towards the poor clock. He then lied down once again and close his eyes and we were back to our previous position wherein his arms were on me, I started to wonder if yesterday wasn't actually the first time he embraces me in his sleep because it actually seems like it's become a habit of his to wrap his arms around me, how could I have never felt? How could I have let this happen?

"Niall, your arms!" I shouted, I swung his arms violently then slapped him on the face. He may have felt the sting which made him open his eyes then gasp right after, I sat on the bed while looking at his red cheek that I slapped and he seem to mimicked me when he sat on the bed too while caressing his cheek. He looked up to me with confusion but I returned a frowning face, his expression soften until he looked down, maybe remembering what his previous action was. "Can you tell me since when did you started to do that"

"Do what?"

"Since when have you started to hug me while you sleep and make it a habit?!" I was raging with anger in such an early hour, the alarm clock rang like 8 minutes past 8 o' clock in the morning. Niall knows how I'm still uncomfortable with his touch nor any other guys' touch because I'm still uncomfortable around guys, and I found out that him embracing me was a habit that I have not known of, I may have over reacted on this but seeing him do this to me yesterday and today bugs me because someone's touching me while I'm asleep, plus Niall's a guy and no matter how much he assures me that he's decent, a guy is a guy, a girl's body will always be on his mind and while I'm asleep, he may have been touching me in inappropriate places.

He sighed and his eyes was still glued the floor. "It's been a week since I started to do that but I haven't done anything inappropriate, I just did that since-" he looks frightened when he looked up, I don't know wether he's still thinking of a lie as an excuse or he's just afraid to tell me what the real reason is but I just want him to spill out the truth. "-you've been moving wildly the past nights and that I just thought of doing that so I can lock you on that position" I got up the bed and headed out the room. I may have enjoyed the warm embrace but still, I think it's highly wrong to just do that when he knows I'm off guard and unconscious, I'm still not comfortable around guys.

I made my shower very quick and dressed up in a simple shirt and leggings and worn a coat since it's freezing cold outside, just by looking at how the trees sway. It was a good thing that Niall was outside the apartment, probably taking Irish out for a wee after holding it throughout the night, back when we first met, he told me how Irish doesn't like to pee nor poo inside the house which is why whenever he wakes up, he needs to take the dog outside because he might have been holding his fluids for the whole night. I went outside the room and Niall was back, along with Irish, but I didn't gave it much attention and so I proceeded on doing my hair just by tying it in a simple high ponytail, just like yesterday, I wasn't in the mood for having hair on my face while walking in the cold streets of Dublin. All was set and I was ready to go, I didn't brought anything since I don't even own anything. As I was about to head towards the door, I stumbled on Irish, it caused damage for the both of us but I was more concerned to the dog.

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