Twenty One

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I woke up really early today so I was an hour early than usual, I left Niall a note on his night stand saying that I had to go to work early but truthfully, I'm just gonna drop by at the precinct because it has been awhile since I paid a visit, I was gonna check out on their investigations and findings, hopefully they have something new to share with me. I patted Irish's head before I left the room and go to the lift so I can exit the building.

It was a windy morning, the sun wasn't peeking out and it looks like as if it's 4:00pm, it was a good idea to wear a jumper today. Dublin was once again very lively just like everyday, people here don't seem to stop doing what they're doing and they also seem like they don't sleep at all, if I was just a tourist here, I would really love to stay for maybe a year just because of how everything works here. The wind was blowing my hair and now I realised how it was a bad idea to let my hair down instead of tying it up.

It didn't took awhile until I reached the precinct, most of the cops already know me here so they politely greeted me and I greeted them as well, I headed to the office of the cops handling my case and I couldn't wait to get there to see their improvements.

Once I have gotten inside their office, they were alarmed and immediately stood before I even had the chance to greet them a "good morning".

"Ms. Orlando! We have finally found a suspect" one of the cops told me, I always forget their names since I wasn't really good with it, I feel bad for forgetting about it.

The two cops told me how they found the thieves, apparently there was another private camera for the location where the crime happened and saw the that it was non other than those two phenomenon thieves in Ireland that always targets people with luggages. The cop did made a point when he said that who even covers their faces with a mask nowadays just to rob? It was a nice point because usually, thieves only wear shades, especially that it's night and dark, why would they bother to cover their faces.

They asked me to stay put at the office while they fetch the two thieves, I sat on one of the chairs and browsed my eyes through their desks to see one of the folders with my name on it, I was tempted to open it but I didn't want to be responsible if any files are lost.

The cops came in with two men that looks like on their 30's as they struggle to get out of the cops' grip on them. They were asked to sit down in front of me and I gave the both of them a deathly glare, they seem to look nervous because of the sweat forming on their foreheads.

The rest of the clarification passed only to find out that they were really the thieves that stole everything that I was with when I got off here in Ireland but something happened that even made our case more complicated when one of the thieves said.

"We have reformatted the phone that we have stole but one day, a lady called us saying how she was tracking us the whole time, we were afraid that it might be Ms. Orlando but we didn't knew who she was, she only said that she was coming to get the things from us" those words caught all of our interest. One of the cops hesitated on drinking his coffee when he heard those words as well, we told them to continue telling the story and they have resumed.

"A week later, a lady came to our place and offered us a cheque worth a million in exchange for the stolen things, we decided to take her deal and gave everything to her and-"

"What does the lady look like?" One of the cops interrupted, I already had a feeling that it must be someone associated to Mr. Minami.

"We couldn't see her face because she was wearing a weird looking mask at that time, we didn't bother to ask her to take it off but she did had green highlights at the end of her brunette hair" because of those adjectives, I already knew who the person is. "She used a screen name and told us that her name was Riley Minami" it was no doubt that it was her. "The cheque she gave us has the same surname she has"

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