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Constantly checking my phone for any new updates is what I am doing while sipping on my pineapple juice right after finishing a cheap burger, I don't know how you call it but I may seem annoying if Sheryl and Yu knows what I am doing, they'll think that I am excited and so obsessed to know his name but I think I really am but the truth is I just really want this thing done so I can go back to visit my parents in jail. Right now, I still don't have the name of the person, Mr. Minami is such a forgetful person, I wonder where the information got away. I was always impatient and I never liked waiting and so I got pissed off and exited the fast food chain along with my luggage and my handbag, the cellphone was still on my hand, until I get the name then that's the time I would place it on my bag.

I felt the breeze of the air, it was only October but Ireland is like a refrigerator because of how low the temperature was, maybe wearing nothing but a shirt is never enough when it's always freezing here, everyone I saw had their coats worn and sweaters and here I am standing like fall has just arrived. I decided on finding a bench to sit on so I can open my luggage and take out a hoodie or a jumper, I can't stand the coldness anymore. I walk while pulling the luggage behind me to find a bench but every single bench that has scattered along the sidewalks were full or either a little bit dirty so I continued to walk until I find a decent bench to sit on.

Ireland is fascinating, everyone is loud and cheery and I really feel so home even though I live in England, I just saw the bond of every Irish person there is, it's almost like everyone knows each other, a lot of people were playing instruments along the way and the others dance along, some were chatting and laughing and others are just with their friends. It was nice seeing a lot of people having a good time, I smiled to myself and continued to walk but the phone that is on my hands finally rang and I saw the caller I.D which is Mr. Minami, I quickly picked it up.

"Moshi moshi" I greeted and realised that I just spoke a Japanese word, guess I really had taken a bit of the Asian culture.

"Victoria, I finally had the name, let me just send it to you"

"Can you just say the name please and send it right after?" I requested, I was a bit excited to know the name, they say Irish names are beautiful so I'm already wondering what his name is.

"No, I'll just send it to you, now where is it?"

"Just say the name and send it afterwards, please!" I pleaded and then some people were turning their heads to look at me.

"Sheryl, help me find it, I think I lost it again" I almost ripped my hair off my head, karma really is a bitch, guess this is what he gets for making an alliance of assassins, I hope he ends up with alzheimer's one day.

I waited patiently for anyone to speak on the other line but all I hear is rambling sounds of files and papers and drawers getting opened and closed once in awhile. I sighed and shook my head from side to side, getting this mission accomplished is really blurry for me to see in the future.

I took a turn from my walking and noticed that I was already walking on a dark alleyway, my brows furrowed and I stopped on my tracks, I was just about to find a bench to sit on and now I'm like in a different world because of how dark the place is. I turned around to walk to the opposite direction but when I saw the path where I supposedly came from, the lights were dim and there were no people at all.

"Hello?" I said on the other line with a whisper tone, I was scared and I think I'm lost. I looked around me and there was literally no one around but closed shops and stores it was like a perfect place of shooting a horror film. I heard an unclear reply and I took the phone away from my ear to check the signal and it says on the phone that there is no signal, I began to sweat and my heart was beating fast as if it's about to go out of my ribcage. "Hello?!" I shouted on the other line but I heard nothing but unclear noises, I continued to shout a hello.

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