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Coldness and nothing but darkness is what I saw and felt right after I gained my consciousness back after having a nice and decent place to sleep in. I found myself wrapped in the soothing blanket of Niall and hugging the elongated pillow that was supposed to be placed in the centre. I checked the clock that was hanging on the wall and saw that it was 8 in the am but the things I see doesn't indicate an 8 o' clock hour because of how dark Niall's room is and how not even a ray of light passed through the curtains. The temperature was cold and I wondered if the coldness can get any colder. But the thing that I am wondering right now is why am I alone in the bed, did Niall got forced to sleep on the couch because of how I always move when I sleep or did he left me alone in an apartment that isn't even his, or maybe Niall doesn't really exist and I'm still dreaming right now.

I sat on the bed and find myself at the rear edge of the bed which means that I have crossed the line between me and Niall, pure guilt was what I felt, thinking about how much movement I make when I sleep is something to be embarrassed if you're gonna share a bed with someone, I even wonder if he actually slept with me and managed all the hardship of sleeping with me, I guess he regretted every good deed that he has ever done to me.

I decided to get out of bed and search for the lost blond lad, this is definitely not the time for hide and seek, his son must be really worried. I exited the bedroom and was welcomed by the fresh aroma of cocoa, a moan slipped from my lips and I felt myself walk involuntarily as if I was levitating.

"Good morning!" A jolly sound echoed the room and I saw Niall with a mug on his hand, he was wearing jeans and a shirt and he looks like he has something to be busy about today.

"Mornin'" I replied informally but Niall seem to have no problem without it, he took a sip from his mug and closed his eyes to intake the pleasurable taste of the drink.

"Come join me" I made a move and sat beside him on the table that he was sitting on. He automatically pulled a mug on the other side of the table and poured cocoa drink on it. I realised that there were also cooked eggs and nuggets with a bread and Niall handed me one of those made sandwiches for me to eat, he took one too and shove it in his mouth. As I eat my first breakfast in Ireland, I saw Irish eating on his bowl with a milk beside him, I smiled at how adorable Niall's concern is for the little pup and for the little pup as well. "Got a goodnight sleep?" Niall asked and I took a bite on the bread and swallowed.

"Yeah I did, how about you?"

"Don't ask" he took a bite on his bread and drank from the mug, I mimicked his actions as well. I felt so guilty after he blurted out those words, was I really that bad of a bedmate? Or whatever you call someone you sleep with on the bed. "You move a lot but I managed to calm your actions so don't worry"

"I'm so sorry, I'll sleep on the couch tonight-" I looked down on the floor and fiddled with my fingers. "-well, if you'll still let me stay".

"Sometimes you can be so silly aren't you? Of course you can still stay here, I thought we cleared things about that last night and no, you're gonna sleep on the bed wether you like it or not and if you don't want to be with me on the bed well I don't mind sleeping on the couch I guess"

"No, I mean- uh..." I stuttered, I guess I can still say that I was still at unease when talking to guys and making them understand what I want to say, they say boys don't like long speeches and I need to make my dialogue short and straight to the point. "We can share again I guess, if you don't mind"

"Of course I don't" we continued to eat our meals and drink our drinks until Niall suddenly rushed and headed straight to a mirror to look at his reflection right after finishing his food. He was styling his hair into a quiff and I remained alone in the table.

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