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"How could you forget that it's a weekday?!"

"We stayed up late last night and I forgot about it!"

"You were the one who reminded that we have a day ahead of us last night! I should probably kick you on your private part more often then!" I shouted through pants and a lot of inhaling and exhaling, Niall and I are currently rushing on the sidewalk to get to our respective jobs. Unfortunately, earlier while we were sleeping, I suddenly got awakened when I heard a loud cry and sheer scream coming from a masculine voice only for me to lay my eyes on Niall's agony first thing in the morning. Apparently, he recently got awake at that time as well when he felt someone kick him on his crotch and find my foot laying there and then I was frantically looking for anything that can ease the pain until I got outside the room and look for an icebag but my eyes landed on the wall clock hanging from the living room to see that it was almost 11:30am.

And now, along with Irish, running along as well, we were both rushing to get to our works, and at last, we finally made it. We looked at each other then I already understood that it was time for us to separate and then I went to open the door of the coffee shop but what caught my eye is the closed sign displayed on the outside but nevertheless, I went inside to see if I'm still employed or not, Mr. Styles is a nice person so I really hope he'll forgive me with my tardiness.

"Hey Victoria! Where the fuck is Niall?" I heard a familiar voice call my name and as I looked around the shop, I saw Louis and the twins, placed on their respective instruments. Divina was sitting behind her drum set, Louis with his keyboards and Ivan holding a what seem to be a guitar with a long neck. I looked around again and saw Marian and Alice on the side of the mini stage with their maid uniforms, Mr. Styles sitting on one of the tables with an unfamiliar man with brown hair and brown eyes, he has this kind of aura that's indescribable, like he's both a badass and a puppy at the same time, I can't deny that he's handsome but Zayn's more handsome for me because of his edgy look.

"Oh, please go change into your proper uniform" Mr. Styles instructed and I didn't answered Louis' question and headed to the personnel's room to change. It didn't took too much time to change and when I went out, I heard the sound of the keyboard being played by Louis, similar to the notes that Niall's been playing yesterday.

"Niall went to the music shop by the way"

"But the shop's locked, we even brought his guitar and his arrangement here, and why are you two late by the way?" All eyes were on me when Louis asked that with a smirk, plastered on his face.

"We overslept" Louis scoffed on my reply but then proceeded to press the keys on his keyboard, I made my way to the stage to get near to everyone. On the side, I heard Marian and Alice greet me with a "hi" and so I replied to them with a wave and when I was about to go to their side, I felt someone touch my bum and slid it up to my waist, I immediately screamed and turned back and elbowed whoever the person that did that and I continued to kick behind and luckily, I felt his legs and continued to kick it until I heard him scream and grunt because of the pain. I continued to kick him and scream simultaneously and now my arms were flying to punch him on his back and continue to harass him then I ended everything with a loud scream and a strong push on his chest that made him fly and lose balance which also eventually made him lying down on the floor. I saw the face of that unfamiliar man earlier sitting on the same table as Harry, he was there, lying very hurt and caressing his legs.

"Why the fuck did you do that?!" I kicked him on his legs and then he just moaned in pain again, it serves him right. I was never touched like that before and I can't believe that some random maniac would be the first one to do that to me.

"Hey Liam, it's against my rules to harass my maids in the cafe" Harry said with a stern voice, I was still shaking and breathing unevenly, I've never been touched like that before and how dare he! I just want to beat him up until he dies. Harry helped him to get up and as soon as the man got up, I immediately wanted to punch him on the face, thank goodness Zayn and I enrolled ourselves to a self defence lessons as well, then I wondered as to why I didn't used these skills when I got robbed.

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