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After a midnight stroll and little chit chats, Niall and I finally made it to the entrance of the building of his apartment. He greets people here and there and I just follow along.

"So, if you were robbed why didn't you head to the police station right away?" He says as we entered an elevator and Niall pressed the button of the floor to the way to where his apartment is located. I didn't know how to answer, even if I lost almost everything I know I have to accomplish my mission and if I were to go to the police station then I'll just give them a hint of who I am and what I look like, considering the fact that Niall also knows my real name now so this is gonna be really difficult to make the tables turn around once again.

"I... Ugh... Don't know where it is" I blurted those words but I was unsure if I said the correct reply.

"I'll accompany you tomorrow"


"Huh?" He shot me a confused look but I was unsure of the words that I might say again, I'm making a lot of risk, of course that would be Niall's initial reaction, getting confused as to why I don't want to go to the station but what should I say?

"Well you might be busy tomorrow so don't worry about me" I said, hoping that Niall would buy it but he just replied with a lot of things, saying how much he's worried and how big is the amount of everything that was robbed, trying to make me conscious about it but I know about all of those but I should not let anyone know about me and I shouldn't share more things about me to Niall because that would make it easier for the cops to know my identity if my mission is complete.

About the mission, I don't know what I'm gonna do about it but I remember having a piece of paper with Mr. Minami and Sheryl's number in it that's tucked in my pocket, My hands searched for a piece of paper on my pocket but I couldn't feel anything inside. This is hopeless, it's impossible to make contacts to them anymore.

The elevator dinged and Niall and I made our way out of it and he guided me the way to where his apartment was. We soon stopped in front of a dark green door and he put Irish down and told me to keep an eye on him but all he did is scratch is ear which I find really amusing while his daddy search for the keys and open the door. Irish got disturbed from his scratching and entered the room first before me and Niall could actually lay a foot on the floor. I stepped on a rug that says "welcome" and took my shoes off, Niall did the same and replaced a slipper to wear on his foot, he offered me a slipper too but it was big for my feet but I just wore it anyways.

"Are you hungry? I have some instant noodles here, just pour hot water on it then wait for several minutes for the noodles to become soft"

"I know how instant noodles work, don't make me look like I'm a 5 year old" I chuckled as I say that sentence.

"Well how old are you anyway?"

"I'm already 20!" I exclaimed and put my hands on the air, not trying to make it look like I'm really exclaiming angrily and instead trying to make it humorous and Niall finding the humorous side of it.

"Whatever you say, anyways I'm taking a quick shower and you can go ahead right after me" he grabbed a towel that was hanging from his door knob and entered the bathroom to take a shower. It was only Irish and I that's in the room and the little dog is now sleeping peacefully in his bed with a cute stuff toy beside him. I don't know what's the cutest thing, Irish sleeping with the cute stuff toy or the fact that Niall treats Irish as if he's his baby and even gave him a stuff toy to sleep with but regardless of those two, I think the both of it are so cute.

The apartment is small but tidy, it's great to know that not all guys are messy just like how I think they are. Everything is properly arranged and neat even for a small apartment like this. I guess Niall likes his house to be pure like snow, everything's white except for the walls that is a bit of grey which contrasts the colour of his furnitures. It has 2 doors on the side, one is the bathroom and I'm guessing the other one is a bed room. I stopped gazing my eyes around the flat and stood to grab an instant noodles as I open a cabinet and find two cups of noodles left, I took what's left, one for me and one for Niall and prepared it by doing the instructions. I closed the lid and waited for the noodles to soften and sat at one of the dining seats again.

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