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I was brought out of the restaurant, nothing but the cold breeze slapping against my bare skin. The host apologised for the last time and I heard his footsteps getting away from me. My face remained hidden and cup by my hands and continuous sobs were the only noise leaving from my lips.

"V!" I heard a call from a familiar voice, it sounded a lot like Roger and so I looked up to him and quickly ran and cried as he spread out his arms. I cried aloud in his chest, unable to handle my feelings, it happened all in a sudden and it was unexpected, I still can't think straight or get back to my own senses.

This is who I really am, I'm always afraid and scared and all I want to do is hide from the world. It all started when my parents were jailed, I was shocked and almost traumatised, it made me anxious as to what will happen to them, if they would get punished or even something worse like death.

I was all alone with those thoughts in my mind and clueless as to what happened then I was left with strangers whom I haven't met until that day. An old man who picked me up saying that he would be the one to take care of me and leaves me behind with a cruel guardian who has done nothing but punish me when I was a child, how can you not feel scared if you're living with people you don't know well for your life? Especially if you don't know if they have bad intentions to you, how can you trust those people around you knowing that they can do anything they want to you because you don't even mean anything to them because you're not even related with each other? That's the reason I was always scared easily. Now that I grown up, I've been courageous but I still get scared.

"Roger, I'm scared," I mumbled from the man's chest and the tears rolling from my cheeks were endless, my nose was stuffed and I had uneven breathings. Roger cooed me to make me calm but it was really impossible, I still needed more comfort or maybe all I need is my parents to comfort me. Oh, how I miss them so much, I just wish for my old life back so I can live with them and I can be together with them again.

I was scared to do my part on the contract, I do not want to kill anyone just because I was tasked to. The thought of killing makes me feel something indescribable, I never wanted to see a single human being feeling nothing but sorrow because of their loss.

Not only because of that, I hated seeing hurt and sad people because I believe that no one deserves it in this world, everyone should feel nothing but happiness, everyone deserves the best but sometimes life can really be cruel.

Escaping from this contract was an option I had thought of quickly but escaping would mean that my parents would still stay for decades inside the prison and also a zero balance for sustainment for our daily needs but if I take my part on this contract, it would only mean that my freedom would be taken away and I would never trade anything in exchange for my freedom but if it's about my parents, will it be possible for me to give it up?

I think no one would ever trade anything for their freedom just like me and everyone else and maybe my parents as well but they did gave it up just for me, to make me stay alive, to make me happy and healthy and to live life without any worries. Thinking about it makes me sad and guilty since I can't do anything worth like that to repay them but do the same, to sacrifice my freedom for their sake.

"Roger, she is completely fine, go and get inside the car and drive to my desired place." Roger pulled me away gently and lead me to the vehicle we are supposed to use, my right hand covering my face while Roger pulls the other one. Hearing Yu's voice made my blood boil but I hesitated on doing something bad to him or he'll end up with a red pool while he lies on the ground.

I was thrown inside the limousine and a little while was consumed and we went off. My thoughts still drives inside my head just like how the vehicle is being drove, overthinking is one of the things I hate the most, maybe because I want to be problem free but problems don't come to an end, when one is accomplished, another one is made.

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