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The bullet quickly fired as I pulled the trigger of the gun then achieved an 8 consecutive bullseye within 4 minutes, it was a big achievement and I was proud of myself as I see a huge improvement after 3 weeks of practicing the basics of being an assassin.

"That's all for today," my instructor declared after 15 bullets were shot consecutively. I put the gun down and grabbed a fresh bottle of water and drank from it while my hands shake due to the practice.

Pulling triggers were hard so I always end up with my hands shaking after an hour or two of practicing. I put all my equipments in place and left the practicing area to stroll in the garden for awhile.

The sliding doors opened automatically and the blue horizon with the fluffy clouds surprised me for I wasn't able to go out on a cloudy day for almost a month. Eyes glued up in the sky and I sat on the grass surrounding the place and lie down to relax and enjoy the scenery. It's almost a month since my birthday and since I was owned by Mr. Minami, since then I wasn't able to go to uni and see Zayn, I was also stuck inside this residency for weeks unable to bear the idea of surviving without going to the outside world.

A lot has changed within a month and a day from now, I'll fly off to Ireland to murder my victim. Sheryl, Mr. Minami and I would have a meeting later on to prepare for my first mission, my fake passport was ready, equipments were ready and the money for my expenses were also ready but the person who's about to kill is the one who is not ready.

I had agreed on the contract for a lot of reasons even if I really didn't want to, I just want my parents to be freed from jail and I know my pride has nothing to do with this but I feel so degraded if I ever back out and if I back out, I'll have to pay for the contract and I don't have enough money to pay for it, that's why agreeing and doing my part was the main choice, I'd be able to set my parents free, I wouldn't feel degraded and lastly, I would have a half a million salary and a lifetime sustainment.

The thought of killing still breaks my heart but I have to kill in order for my parents to obtain their freedom back. I know I'm being selfish and heartless but that's how people feel and think nowadays, no one cares about anyone anymore, all they care about is theirselves so why would I care about anyone else if no one does anymore? It's part of being a human.

"Miss Murray, Mr. Minami requests you to go pack your clothes for your take off on Monday," Poppy, one of the maids of Mr. Minami said to me and I nodded and hummed as a reply, still looking at the blue sky with a cloud shaped like a four leafed clover, which I think is a coincidence since I'm going to Ireland this week, it makes me a little less pessimistic and wonder how Ireland would look like once I land at the country. I stayed for a little longer until one of the hot-headed maids shouted at me for not responding earlier to Mr. Minami's request, I got on my feet and walked through my room to ready the things that I will need to bring.

The good side of staying in Mr. Minami's mansion is that I'm spoiled with a lot of clothes, jewelries, bags and shoes, I even got my own walk-in closet during my stay. Lastly, I appreciate all the delicious meals served to me, I never tasted something so heavenly.

I opened the door to my walk-in closet and grabbed a black luggage and strolled around the grand closet. If I were to kill, I wouldn't pick up a lot of skirts and dresses and so I picked up a lot of jeans, leggings, shorts and pants, pyjamas were also included so I'll be able to sleep comfortably while in Ireland. I grabbed every black clothes that I saw and I also packed a handful of rubber shoes. Everything inside the luggage was black, including the luggage itself, I sometimes wonder what's gotten into me and why am I so fond of the shade of black.

After several minutes, I went out of the closet and took a shower to freshen up my body after the exhaustion of handling different kinds of guns and shooting all in a full combo. I hummed a little song as I felt the soap slide through my body, I don't have the talent of singing and I have to admit that but it does make me feel happy whenever I sing or hum, I especially like slow and relaxing songs even though I am quite boyish, some people thinks I like R&B but it's the total opposite.

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