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Yesterday's movie marathon was a nice thing to end the day. Niall and I slept early but here he is in the bed, still sleeping and it's already 10 o' clock.

"Hey Niall, don't you have work?" I asked and shook him as a way of waking him up but it was useless and now I can say that he's such a deep sleeper since he wakes up earlier than me usually.

"I'm excused, don't bother waking me up" he talked back but his eyes were still closed, he pulled a pillow in his arms and hugged it like how Irish hugs his little toy. I smiled at the scene, he looks just like his baby, sleeping peacefully and soundly. I sat on the bed and carefully pulled out the blanket covering me to see if I made any leaks like yesterday and fortunately, I didn't.

My 4th day in Ireland has started and I'm starting to feel a little bit comfortable with the things that surround me and knowing that I finally found Sheryl's number is such a relief, not only can I get my connections back with her and Mr. Minami but I can also get this task done and I can go back to England to free my parents and have a normal life only until my contract expires but at least my parents are freed now.

I stood from the bed and walked around the room searching for the paper that contains some valuable information, I tried to be a little gentle with my steps to avoid waking Niall up since the paper probably got dropped near the nightstand on Niall's side of the bed. I got on my knees once I reached the area to peek under the bed and under the nightstand and luckily I found it resting in peace, I reached for it as I stretch my arms for it and my hand tries to grab it and I got it done as swiftly as I can, my arms got out of the very small hole of the nightstand that it got a little scratches because of the sharp wood under it.

A choke coming from Niall was heard throughout the room as well as his breathless calls for me.


"What? What is it?!" I panicked at his call that caused me to got up fast with the paper still on my hand as I watch the lad choke and hold on his neck, he made a sign language to go get him a glass of water and that's what I hurriedly did. I grabbed a glass and placed it under the faucet so I can get him some water then ran again to the room to find him still choking and coughing, I handed him the glass but assisted him as he tilt it and that stopped his coughs and enable him to breathe deeply. I instructed him to take slow breaths and he followed my instructions.

"What happened? You just choked out of nowhere"

"I choked on my saliva while sleeping" I glared at him as my eyes gone bigger by the second and I put my hand on my face and sighed, trying not to make a problem as to what's wrong with this guy.

"The hell! That's what happens when you're such a somnolent person!" A smile then formed on my lips as a chuckle is about to leave

"Like you're one to talk, you're actually the first one who sleeps between the both of us"

"But you're the one who wakes up late"

"Well, it's your fault for being an early bird"

"Well, it's your fault for being nocturnal at night" My smile starts to spread on my face and I laughed at the expression Niall has because the both of us know who won our little argument. I laughed at him as he did such a weird poker face that caused me to lightly slap him on the face, it didn't seem like it hurt him I guess it entertained him in a way. "How's it like being such a loser?, don't even try to compete with me because I always end up being victorious, hence the name given to me" I flipped my hair in front of his face as a way to tease him, I really find the situation so amusing. I stood up and walked towards the door. "Get up now, I'll make something for breakfast" I told Niall and exited the room to be greeted by Irish with his waggly tail.

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