Twenty Two

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It was just one of those rare days in the coffee shop when customers don't even show up. We had a few customers earlier but after that, it's only me and Marian at the shop, we've advertised but no one's passing by at the street, everyone must be busy today. I sighed and I bent my arms on the table so that my head can have something to lie down on.

"I'm gonna go advertise again" Marian got up and exited the shop. Something's bothering me lately and having no customers at all isn't helping, if there were customers, I could have forgotten about it but I just started to overthink about it and it makes me worried and anxious about the future.

Liam and I recently unexpectedly got along with each other, though he's an idiot, I'm still worried if he is still curious as to my appearance on the police station because I couldn't have been there if I didn't had a reason to go there and the fact that his uncle is the one handling my case is really dangerous. I'm thinking about what happens if Liam asks his uncle about me, naming me as "Victoria" but since I had a folder on the police station with all my fake information on it yet I have a picture on it, Liam might actually get curious if he sees the folder with my picture and a different information. Of course an argument would be a possible outcome, with his uncle saying that my name is Ianna and on Liam's side, he'd be saying that it's Victoria. Liam would be curious and confused because he doesn't know which name is the real name and that would lead him to ask the people here.

I don't even know what to do anymore, I don't need to stay away from Liam, what I need him to do is to stay away from his uncle and the precinct, but he's probably visiting him everyday or I don't know. I just need to prevent Liam to know about anything because if he'll know about it, he'll definitely gonna share it to everyone, once he shares that, everyone would feel something suspicious going on and might even find out my real purpose here in Ireland. Not only that would happen, I may also put Sheryl and Mr. Minami in danger and trouble because of my recklessness, if there's something suspicious then it'll probably be investigated. Once Liam senses the suspiciousness, he'll immediately report that to his uncle and considering the fact that they're trying to track the person behind the cheque, no doubt everything will be revealed, I would take the blame for the imprisonment of Mr. Minami, Sheryl, the other clients and the assassins, I might also take blame for the taking down of Mr. Minami's business, I would be the cause of every single downfall and in the end, everyone will be jailed and I won't get to set my parents free and have a happy life with them again just for once, I'd be rotting in jail even though I still have a lot of things I want to accomplish in my life.

And I couldn't believe I was thinking about this, but the worst part of my prediction is the thought of Niall. How would he react once he knew who I really am? Our friendship would be lost and forgotten because why would you still remain friends with someone who's about to murder? Who would actually like to be friends with someone who works for money to kill people? I bet Niall would regret everything he said the other night, about how he'll miss me and and all, he wouldn't miss me at all, he'd be disgusted and ashamed of himself for taking in a murderer on his flat, he wouldn't even want to be friends with me anymore. Now that I grew some admiration for him, I can't believe how much I value our relationship now even if we're still friends, if we can't be together, at least I want to have him as my friend but once he knows about me, he'll decline my offer for a friendship, he'll forget about me and be disappointed at himself and for me, he'll probably regret everything good he has ever done to me only to find out what I'm supposed to do in Ireland.

I couldn't afford to disappoint Niall and to lose our friendship, but I need to remember whom I'm doing all of this for, it's for my parents, and they are valuable to me. But Niall became valuable to me too, but I'd be disappointing not only my parents, but also Sheryl and Mr. Minami if I didn't do my job. It's making me stressed just by thinking of the different outcomes of any of my possible options but nothing negative would happen if I won't let Liam know anything about me, I'm preventing him to know anything the most because he has more access to know about it, I don't need to worry about anyone on the shop since no one even knows that I go to the precinct and I have already reported the robbery. But then I also thought that maybe Marian suspects me of something suspicious, I'm also scared of her and I have to be careful when I'm around her, it's not gonna be long until she smells something fishy if I act recklessly and clumsily while handling this complication.

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