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"Irish, let's go" I signalled the little puppy and we walked to the entrance.

I couldn't take it any longer, I was tired of being very helpless, nothing would happen if I don't do anything to help myself. Here I am, very nervous of what would happen to me and the questions that would be asked, I prepared myself earlier this morning and I hope I won't stutter while they ask me questions.

I am inside a police station to report about the robbery, I know I would be exposed further but I think it's better to report to the police station and get exposed rather than wait for a miracle to come in my way. I need to get those things back, especially the money and the cell phone, I need all the connections back so I can get this job done once and for all, I don't want to stay here in Ireland any longer knowing that Sheryl, Mr. Minami and probably my parents are awaiting for the results of this mission and if they knew that I haven't made any progress in a span of almost two weeks, I would be super dead.

I excused an officer to report about the robbery, they asked me to tell more about the details as I sit down to create a discussion about it. They asked about my personal information and I said everything about my fake identity, telling them that my name is Ianna because that's the name written on the passport, I told them the same thing I said to Niall, how I'm a tourist that suddenly got robbed. They asked me where I was staying at and I answered them truthfully, saying that a lad took me in his flat for as long as I get back my things again. They questioned a lot of things including why I only reported it two weeks later after the crime scene and good thing that I planned it out all in my head. They asked a lot more informations as to what were the robbers' faces but I could barely remember it since it was very dark when they stole my things. The officers' requested for a tape of the nearest cctv available at that area to see if the incident was recorded so they can finally track down and trace. Our discussion ended within an hour and they told me to come back tomorrow morning to be updated to their investigations and findings, I bid them a thank you and a farewell right after.

Irish and I went outside now, I was a little bit familiar with Dublin now thanks to the tour Niall gave me last week. It gave me the time to memorise where certain places are and I could go to anywhere I like. I decided to head to the station this morning and took Irish with me since Niall's working and no one's at home, he left the keys if ever I was going out for a walk and here we are right now. I strolled a little bit more with Irish alongside and just looked at the shops and other stalls, feeling very secure because I had a dog with me and if someone ever lays a hand, I hope Irish would scare them away.

A sound of the guitar was heard but I can tell that it was a little far from where I'm standing right now until all of a sudden Irish barks and tugs me to the opposite direction with his tail wagging from side to side, looking really excited. I tried to stop his actions by pulling him back but I got a little guilty of myself because I was hurting his neck by pulling him so I just let him guide the way and he hurriedly turned around to the opposite direction while he limply walks. He stopped pulling me once we were in front of a staircase that looks really unnoticeable, he barked repeatedly but suddenly walked upstairs.

"Woah, Irish, we should head back home now, we don't even know what this place is" I told him and him being the very behaved puppy he is when being scolded, stopped on his tracks and looked at me with those puppy eyes that is impossible to resist, I broke eye contact with the puppy and looked somewhere else until the sound of the guitar was heard again, it seems to be coming upstairs, the sound cause Irish to be wild again, barking and crying and tugging me. "Irish, no, you're becoming a bad boy, do you want me to tell this to your daddy?" He continued to cry and tug, I look a little stupid talking to him but I didn't care because I know he can understand a little. The melody of the guitar never faded and the beat of the drum is now audible as well, I started to get a little curious what was up there but I know it would just probably lead to complications once again, I shouldn't be feeling this much comfort here in the streets of Dublin, I learned my lesson when I got robbed. Me and Irish stayed there until a little boy around aged 12 came towards us, I pulled Irish back getting a little scared even if it was only a kid but I was wrong when I said he was coming towards us, instead he went upstairs with such excitement written on his face with a pair of drum sticks on his left hand.

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