Twenty Four

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"Another day, another dollar." Alice mused as she washes the dishes inside the kitchen, along with Mr. Styles baking some of his new pastries and the usual signature cakes of Cup of Cafe.

"Well someone's been watching Spongebob lately." Mr. Styles commented on Alice's phrase she spoke earlier.

"This is Ireland, I'm aware that no one here uses dollars." I told Alice as I yawn and stretch my limbs, I am currently sitting at one table waiting for customers to arrive so I can serve them but it seems that the early birds that would normally visit the cafe everyday isn't showing up lately, it's probably a busy week since pay day is just around the corner. Marian is outside the cold streets of Dublin, advertising the shop and greeting people politely probably to also make them come in and have some coffee inside this cozy coffee shop in this very cold day. The weather is attacking Ireland with a very cold front lately that I've been constantly wearing Niall's coats everyday, the Christmas season is about to come so it's natural to have a cold weather.

"You don't have to spoil that to me, Mari, I am also highly aware of that since I'm the one who's Irish here." Alice addressed me and I also noticed that she called me by my maid name. Mahamari is really long so Alice kind of made a nickname for it and she eventually calls me Mari now, because of her calling me Mari, some customers also have did the same thing. Marian is pressed with everyone calling me Mari for unknown reason, saying that Mari is different from Mahamari and no one should be feeling comfortable to call me that, basically, she's the only one who calls me Mahamari until now. She's probably pressed because that might be her nickname for Marian but I have no idea, she should make a nickname for Minalinsky as well since it's really long, maybe "Ina" would do, but no one seems to be bothered calling her with that long name, I find myself enjoying when I pronounce her name because it's really cute.

Some customers have arrived and I soon needed to get my bum off the chair and get to work, my work isn't really that tiring and I'm also glad that the customers here aren't even hot headed, they're all nice and I'm so impressed with that, because of their kind attitude towards us, our jobs were made to be less difficult.

As the day goes on and on, I continued to serve customers until it was already afternoon then the coming of customers ceased because everyone has probably went to their work right now, I got to sit on the chairs once again, Alice is washing the dishes and Marian's cleaning up some tables whilst Harry's inside his kitchen. A thought soon then popped into my mind that if it's noon, then the band would probably come down to have lunch, but then I remembered that they didn't even bother to come down yesterday, last night, Niall told me that the band were already rehearsing for their performance which made them busier than usual and followed by a lot more clients to teach since they're also planning to have an assembly for the kids they taught before Christmas.

My thoughts drifted by and then I realised something, I'm not even thinking about Niall anymore all the time unlike yesterday, which means... He already left, I don't fancy him and it's really just a phase, it makes me want to laugh because it was actually just a 2 day phase, I'm that pathetic to even confuse my care and concern and if I actually d have a crush on him. I sighed in relief and leaned on my chair, I can finally think in peace, it was all just a phase, I probably experienced that kind of feeling with Zayn too but it's nothing and what do I even know about it? Maybe I just have over appreciated Niall.

Marian sat down on the opposite chair of the one I'm sitting at, I flashed her a grin but she replied with an expressionless face.

"Guess what."

"You realised something." Marian replied and then looked away from me but I just squealed at her and slapped her arm.

"It was all just a phase, I don't even think about him anymore." I told her and she still wasn't paying attention to me instead, she's looking outside, just observing some leaves being blown by the wind. Since winter is coming, the breeze of the wind became colder than it is and stronger than ever, some trees don't even dance with the wind anymore instead, they get pushed by the strong force, some trees even fall to the ground while some remain to stand firm and strong in spite of all the wind that has impacted and tried to destroy them.

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