Chapter Forty - Four

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  Bonnie P.O.V

Everyday since then Y/N would come and seek me out. She as he only one that wanted to be around. And that was all I needed really. I began to smile more and was at peace you could say. Freddy, Chica and Foaxy where happy to see me back to my normal self. But at times they felt hurt when Y/N wouldn't go near them. She told them they had all the other kids and that she belonged to me and me only.

Everyday it was like that. Y/N never thought twice on what the other kids told her. Also there was a tike Vincent approached her,I knew what he was going for. But Y/N ignored him and avoided him from then on. Boy was his pissed off afterwards.

Then rumor went around that Vincent was going to be fired. Things began to turn in a good way. No more Vincent and I had a child that want me and only me.

Y/N was such a cute child and sweet and way to innconte for her own good. Things were going great and grand all that for me as well as the rest if the gang. Weeks became months and thing still where great.

Y/N was always at my side and always wanting my attention. Truth be told I would pick her up just for the hell of it. That and when ever I did she hug me tightly and snuggle into my neck. I loved when she called out me name. Or fall asleep in my lap, nothing could beat. Nothing!

But then on a random day things went down the shitter. And what I mean was Vincent. That fucker always ruined things, he laugh about it keep running things. At first I didn't know what he was up too, but I found quick. Before he could even do anything, before any of the others catch on.

The bastered was going after Y/N! For her dad took Vincent's job and all. I knew he was low but not this fucking low. Not to a point he go for the child of the guy that took his job! It was pathic, I knew he was a little bitch. Too fucking scared to fight against someone thay was as equal to him!

So the moment he went for her I got him. He was shocked and seemed a little scared. But that didn't stop him, he struggled to get away. I throw him around like it was nothing, it scared people off. To where it was just the gang, the boss,and Y/N's dad. Who just stood therein utter shock.

I was always the cold one and wasn't big on group things. But I was the last one to be excepted to be volient. So this was major to the them. Yet this was revenge, stress and being protective coming out of me. Vincent was lucky that he didn't die!

That was only because I fucked up. Being reckless,unfoucesed and full of rage. That was what caused Vincent to win in the bitter end of it all. Yes he did go to jail. But since my outburst horrified people it got me and the rest replaced. Due to my recklessness the boss had to close down. And because I wasn't watching myself on what I was doing, Y/N got hurt and never returned. It was my fault we became junk to being torn apart and used as scrap metal.

Even after all that I was still restless with my rage and anger. I kept making things worse, but the worse thing about was Freddy, Chica,Foxy and hell even Goldy stuck by me the whole damn time. After all the hell,suffering and pain I put them through. And I was too stupid to realize it...

It was the end for us it really was... all thanks to I thought. Just guess we suffered enough and got a break. For little did any of us know that the "storage unit " we where going to be transferred to was a basement of the house at belonged to the night guar we tried to kill every night. Who also happen to be the father of that little girl I swore to protect but failed.

Y/N! I would finally be beside her again. And I knew this time I wasn't going to fail, at no cost what so ever. It would be the death of me.  

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