Chapter Forty - Nine

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  Halloween was tomorrow,literally it was. And boy where me friends excited for it. Only because what we where going as. The Fazbear Gang thats who. And I was Bonnie, only because they made. I didn't mind it was just did dressing up as the bunny that watched me in my sleep for God knows how long! Anyways I had everything I needed for my custom.

All if my friends came over to my house to go over out Halloween plan. Even though we were 17 and 18 years old we still went trick otlr treating. And we had this entire nap planned out. Victor was the most excited out of all of us. For it was his first tike going with friends as a group costume. It was a very common thing with us. But we let him have his excitment. Just like Goldy.

Matter of fact I saw all of us like the Fazbea Gang. Like Alex was like Freddy, with pulling stuff and lying. Halo like Chica being sweet also being a like perevy. Angle was awhole lot like Foxy with losing stuff,trailing off in her mind all that. Well I told why Victor was like Goldy. And Max was like my dad being funny most times and being award too. Then it hit me that if we resembled the Faz Gang that left me a lot like Bonnie.

It really came to me it really did. I was like Bonnie in ways. Like being the serious one,cold sometimes and had an amazing talent. Also for some people I was very loving and kind too. Exscepially ones who had it hard and still manage to put a smile on afterwards.

I guess there was a reason my friends wanted me to be Bonnie. Now that I thought about I'm glad I get to be him for Halloween. I was getting excited now after that.

At the end of our little meeting my friends said thatvwe should swing by the pizzeria at the end of it all. After hours since my dad worked that night. He would let us in so we could be the only ones hanging around the animators.

My dad can down stairs, he was ease dropping on us and he told us that he would. That it would be a serect between us and him and the animators. We all nodded our heads with pleasure. Then my friends asked whatvmt dad was going as for Halloween.

" Oh I'm being the scariest thing ever! " he laughed out waving his arms like ocean waves.

" My BOSS!! " he howled out at us all scary and all.

We all laughed and that,then my dads phone rang which scared him. Only becasue it was his boss. He paniced and throw the phone at me. I was a little freaked out so I throw it back. It was a fun game and all. But soon my dad answered it and walked into the kitchen. My friends left to go home and I went upstairs to bed. I couldn't want for tomorrow!  

Don't Be Scared (Human!Nightmare!Bonnie!xTeen!Reader!)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat