30. The Ones That Vanished

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Does anyone want to see deleted scenes that I never put in the book? Most are from 2016 and really cringe but might be interesting haha

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There was a new notice put up all around the school on the twenty-first of April. Cyndee and Drew stopped in front of one to read it.

——— BY ORDER OF ———

The Ministry of Magic

Dolores Jane Umbridge (High Inquisitor) has replaced Albus Dumbledore as Head of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Cyndee made a disgusted noise, and Drew nearly threw up. So the stupid pink lady really had taken their real Headmaster's position.

She noticed that Millicent Bulstrode had a badge on, but she wasn't a prefect. Drew frowned and studied it. It had a fancy silver 'I' on it. "What's that?"

Millicent scowled at her. "Wouldn't you like to know, Mudblood." She shouldered past her.

"I would!" Drew shouted after her. "It's why I asked, dimwad!"

Cyndee was frowning. "She used to be pretty nice to you."

"Yeah, and so was Pansy. Umbridge is bringing out their true colours."

It was break time, so they hurried to the Slytherin Dungeon, where they quickly found out what was going on. Malfoy pranced up to her, tapping his badge imperiously. Cyndee let out a faint sigh of annoyance.

"Yes?" Drew asked dully. "You've got another privilege to show off, ferret? More proof that you've never earned anything through talent and hard work?"

He turned up his nose, "Know what this is?"

"I already made my guess. Has it not yet processed?"

He ignored her. "It means I'm part of the Inquisitorial Squad. They're a select group of students who are supportive of the Ministry of Magic, handpicked by Professor Umbridge. I can dock points from Houses."

"Good for you. Is this supposed to affect me in any way? I'm in Slytherin, idiot. Have fun taking points off your own House."

Malfoy seemed to remember this. "Right. Er, well, I'm still prefect, and I'll see to it that you get detention." A nasty sneer spread across his face, "I'll give you and all your friends detention with Filch. Every single day for the rest of the year."

Drew blinked.

He nodded smugly. "The Headmistress is trying to get him permission to use the shackles. Have fun, Mudblood."

She tried not to panic. Her mind did a quick recall of who was currently in the common room. The prefects weren't here to step in. She wondered if the short-term benefits of beating him up outweighed getting expelled.

Wilby had stood up and was coming towards them, but to their surprise, it was Cyndee who stepped forward first. "Are you sure? If you want to keep spouting all this discrimination, we'll just arrange for you to end up trapped and bleeding like in second year. Same people, too. Wouldn't that be nice? Good luck trying to give them detention."

Malfoy's jaw went slack, and he cast a nervous glance at Crabbe and Goyle. Cyndee had hit a nerve. He wasn't afraid of Drew anymore, but he was still scared of the people who'd attacked him. He lowered his voice, "You're lying. You don't — you don't even know who they were. You said you didn't."

She shrugged nonchalantly. "Want to test that?"

The turnip stared at them all. His scornful glare jumped to Blaise, "With a good family like yours, I can't believe you're hanging out with a crowd like this." He stormed off, his lackeys trailing.

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