5. Red for the Broken

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Christmas at home had been nice. Her Muggle friends had sent her gifts, and visited once or twice, but Drew could sense the awkwardness in each of their meetings. She had decided to not tell them about the magical world, and it put a wall of dishonesty between them, and they were soon drifting completely apart.

Her father had sent her a postcard, which was really nice of him. She was glad he hadn't decided to show up unannounced. He didn't get along with her mother and her whole summer would have been ruined if he had.

Despite all the good things, Drew had wanted to get back to Eliza the most. And now that she was back at Hogwarts, her life shined a little brighter. The world of magic was just a bonus.

They were on their way to Charms now, and Eliza was telling one of her endless stories about wizards all around the world. One of her grandmothers had apparently gone to Ilvermorny, the best wizarding school in America.

Drew didn't really have interesting family stories except for her grandpa being descended from bandits, but he hardly knew anything about them. Eliza nearly crashed into another student as she animatedly talked about Ilvermorny.

"Did you know Porpentina Scamander studied there?" she asked.

Drew cocked her head, "Who's that?"

"Half-blood," Eliza supplied, brows furrowing in microscopic annoyance. "She's an Auror, and she married Newt Scamander. You know," she smiled, "the magical creatures guy."

"The fantastic beasts guy," said Wilby, appearing out of nowhere.

"Stop stalking me!" Drew yelled after him.

God, that boy drove her insane. Really, she just wanted to be with Eliza.

* ° * ° *

They had Charms with the Hufflepuffs, and were learning the Severing Charm.

"Ah yes," Drew waved her wand eagerly, "this will be great for my fits of rage. You think I could sheer Torch's orange hair off from here?"

Eliza snorted but didn't smile, making the sound seem more mocking than good-natured. Something was definitely up with her. She'd been distant and moody ever since coming back from the holidays, and possibly longer than that, since Drew often looked past the negatives of Eliza Skull.

"Are you okay?" Drew asked her.

Eliza frowned at her sleeve and brushed off a speck of dust. "Yes. Do not waste your worry."

Drew wanted to interrogate her properly, but Professor Flitwick began the class.

They were split into partners, and of course, the two girls were separated. All the teachers had heard about their sledding fiasco, and anytime they walked together they were the receivers of fearful stares.

"Miss Getaway," the teacher chirped, "you can work with Mister Blue again."

Eliza moved to find her partner Isabell. Drew didn't have time to feel sorry for her, because Wilby had already appeared beside her, holding a white piece of fabric.

The last time she'd worked with him was for the Levitation Charm, and he'd weirded her out by freaking out when she had gone swish swish instead swish and flick.

"Don't forget all the wrist movements we've done!" pipped Professor Flitwick, perched from his pile of books. "You want a nice and clean cut. Be as accurate as you can, and be careful!"

Drew traced a line into the pale fabric, aiming for where she wanted to snip it. Wilby watched politely. "Diffindo!" she sliced her wand down, and a crease formed, but it didn't cut through.

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