29. Lie to the Minister, Check!

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They didn't get to have another S.A. meeting, because in the middle of a windy April, the D.A. was betrayed by Marietta Edgecombe.

The door of the Slytherin common room burst open, and Cassius Warrington came stumbling in. He was a seventh-year Chaser, and he was ecstatic. "Umbridge found Potter's secret organization! She wants some of us to go trap them while she summons Fudge. Who's with me?"

A handful of purebloods leapt up and raced to the door, throwing on their robes. Of the four friends, Blaise was the first to stand up, "We should do something. We owe it to them."

Drew was already moving. They got ready to go out, and she grabbed Wilby. "You're in charge of finding Jinx. I've got to go get something."

He nodded.

Drew sprinted into her room and opened her bedside drawer, taking out the cloth-covered ice cube. She didn't even notice that Isabell was sitting on her bed, fiddling with a glass vial.

"Where are you going?" Isabell questioned, and it marked the first time in that she'd spoken to her like a normal person.

Drew pocketed the cube and started gathering her hair so she could tie it back. "Absolutely nowhere, and if you snitch, I'll destroy you."

She didn't wait for a response and darted out into the hallway, taking the stairs two at a time. Morfinus stopped her on the third floor. "What's the rush? I saw your friends run up —"

"D.A.'s getting raided. Where's Jack?"

His brain tried to keep up with her, "Er, the courtyard. I asked him to —"

She cut him off by pushing him towards the other stairs. "Tell him to come. We've got to save the members from expulsion."

He stared at her like she'd grown an extra pair of eyes, "You'd do that for them? They didn't even let Slytherins join!"

"For good reason. And we kind of owe them, so yeah."

"Damn," he muttered, "I underestimated you guys. Right, I'll get Jack and some others."

She continued up the stairs and was breathless by the time she reached the seventh floor. Going to school in a castle had its downsides.

Wilby was at the top, and he led her into the girl's bathrooms. "Malfoy and the others are already there, surrounding the Room. We can ambush them right now."

"You in?" Cyndee asked, grinning.

"Definitely, but I've got reinforcements coming, so maybe we should wait?"

Blaise shook his head, "They looked like they were about to blow up the wall. I think we need to act fast."

"Then let's buy them some time."

The four of them flew down the corridor, blasting the other Slytherins with an arsenal of spells from behind.

Cyndee sent Pansy spinning with an explosive crack, and Blaise Stupefied Goyle. It was a great start until a sixth-year girl deflected Wilby's Freezing Charm, Cyndee barely shooting it aside.

But the rest of the enemy students scattered as Drew slammed her ice cube into the ground. The tiles turned glacial, and Crabbe was frozen, his large body sliding across the floor to hit a dragon-shaped vase.

Millicent tried to get up on the glassy floor. She cast a Shield Charm around herself and glared at them furiously. "Traitors!" she screeched.

Warrington effortlessly broke through the ice freezing his legs and flicked his wand. Blaise was hurled down the hall, slamming into the ground. Cyndee gasped, "Hey!"

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