14. The Truth About My Friend

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Trigger warning - brief mention of sexual assault for minor character

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Drew gasped, rushing to see whether Wilby had actually killed the idiot.

Screaming, Nott slammed onto the staircase directly below, thankfully stopping there and not plunging down all seven stories. He revealed himself alive by groaning audibly, and Drew turned to gape at Wilby.

He looked horrified, all his anger vanishing into the air, as void as his next words. "I...I'm sorry."

"Come on," she murmured, taking his arm.

They met Xavier on the sixth floor, who was rushing about urgently with cake frosting on his shoulder. He sounded worried, "What's going on, brats? I heard a scream." All at once, Drew felt immensely grateful that they had an attentive prefect.

"Theodore Nott fell off the staircase when it moved," she lied. "I think he's on the one between this and the seventh."

Xavier's jaw dropped, and instantly he was concerned. He spun and sprinted off to the stairways, the two second years right behind him.

The injured student was bleeding from his head and legs, and he had broken at least his arm, from what Drew could tell. Wilby kept his eyes away from the body, as if he didn't want to believe he'd been capable of hurting someone so much.

"Immobulus," Xavier said, waving his wand. Nott went still, and Xavier muttered something else, and Nott rose into the air.

They hustled to the Hospital Wing, and after explaining to Madam Pomfrey "what happened", stood in the corner of the dungeons.

"Are you sure he only fell?" Xavier asked lowly, staring accusingly at Drew.

"I didn't push him," she said evenly, almost upset that he had reason to think so, "if that's what you're getting at."

He crossed his arms, milliseconds away from giving her a year's worth of detention. "Then what did you do?"

"I pushed him," Wilby admitted before she could speak.

Xavier's mouth fell open for the second time. "What, you did?" Then he nodded slowly with understanding, "Oh, oh, of course — you're covering for her."

"I'm not," Wilby insisted, voice cracking. His emotion seemed to be returning, "He was...saying some things. I got mad."

"It was completely provoked," Drew agreed readily. The prefect had to understand. "Look, Wilby isn't passive for once. The only explanation is that Nott really pissed him off."

"Fine," Xavier grumbled, finally moved. "But don't do that again. We already have a monster on the loose, and I don't need more people in the infirmary. Also, don't sneak out after dark anymore. At least until the monster is caught." He stared them down angrily, "I mean it. No 2 AM snacks or duels in the middle of the night—"

"Alright alright," Drew waved him off. Then, because he looked ready to dish out some insults, she asked, "Where's Quentin?"

"Back at home," he snorted. "Why? You find him more bearable than me?"

"You just seem to miss him a lot."

"Of course I do," he growled through his teeth. Then he pivoted and marched away, "Don't give me any more headaches, hellion."

Drew gave Wilby a significant look, "Thank Merlin we have a wonderful prefect, huh?"

"Be quiet!" Xavier shouted from far down the hall.

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