28. Meeting the Requirement

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The bandage dipped in essence of Murtlap soothed their severely irritated skin. Madam Pomfrey had not asked for an explanation, and they did not give one.

Drew considered telling Jack to go to the Hospital Wing, but he was content to be distressed, depressed, and utterly stressed for reasons known to none.

And the days only got progressively worse. More and more students brought back tales from classes and detentions of what new atrocity Umbridge had committed.

The other professors knew how miserable they were, but Umbridge's status prevented them from doing anything, and stopped students from telling them how bad the situation was in fear of getting them in trouble for helping.

At first, some people reasoned that at least she wasn't as bad as Lockhart, but once Umbridge criticized Torch's hair so harshly he made it a natural brown, anyone with sense quickly saw how cruel she was.

* ° * ° *

A week into the school year, Cyndee showed them the Daily Prophet from the owl post. On the front page was the repulsive smiling face of Dolores Umbridge under the headline:


"What does that mean?" Drew demanded.

Cyndee skimmed through the article, " 'Educational Decree Twenty-three'...'The Inquisitor will have powers to inspect her fellow educators and make sure that they are coming up to scratch'...'support from parents' — ugh, Lucius Malfoy."

" 'Inspect '?" Blaise asked. "So she has the power to get them sacked?"

"Apparently," Cyndee muttered, still reading. "And Percy Weasley supports this."

Drew wrinkled her nose, "The guy that stole Quentin's Head Boy position?"

"I don't think it works that way, but yes. I doubt his siblings are taking a liking to him now." She passed the paper to Wilby, who'd motioned for it.

As he leafed through the rest of the pages, Malfoy slammed down his own paper, his hand on Umbridge's face, "See this, Mudblood?"

"No, I'm blind," Drew deadpanned.

"Maybe we'll be rid of you soon," he said gleefully. "She has the power to pass new Educational Decrees. Not surprised Hagrid's missing — the half-breed's smart enough to stay away with his own kind."

"Can't say the same about your father."

He purpled, "What are you implying?"

"Relax, I'm not saying he's half-giant. I mean he's a Death Eater, yet he's plastering his name everywhere. He couldn't even keep his position on the Board of Governors. He got sacked for...let's see...threatening to curse people?"

Malfoy glared, "The Wizemgamot ruled that a misunderstanding. And my father doesn't follow You-Know-Who anymore. Never did, because he was Imperiused, in case your muddled brain can't remember."

Drew bristled with anger. Blaise and Cyndee looked ready to leap across the table and stop her, but Wilby didn't move and Drew spat out, "Oh, more like he's rich. He deserves Azkaban."

The other students were staring, and the newfound silence settled over the Slytherin table. Isabell looked strangely uncomfortable. Malfoy's mouth hardened into a sneer, "You'll regret saying that one day. Trust me."

* ° * ° *

DADA classes continued to be dull and unhelpful. Textbooks were usually an okay supplement for learning, but Defensive Magical Theory wasn't even that. The theories it described were basic, and it was full of the author's stupid irrelevant comments like how 'counterjinx' wasn't an appropriate name.

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